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That's a lot of beers in one night and every night. Alcohol can do damage to the kidneys and liver. Either this person has to cut-down drastically (actually quitting would be best) and if not an alcoholic then stick to a glass of red wine a night. Red wine is good for the heart and blood. It's adviseable this woman see a doctor and have tests done for the memory loss. She could be suffering from "black outs." 33 may not sound old, but if you drink heavy from the time you are in your mid to late teens it's long enough to do a lot of damage.

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Q: Will B5 help a 33-year-old woman who has memory loss due to years of drinking alcohol?
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Any alcohol at all during pregnancy is high risk.

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It means that when a pregnant woman drinks alcohol so does the fetus. So she is not drinking alone.

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Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause a wide range of physical and mental birth defects SERIOUSLY DON'T. terribly irresponsible AND selfish.

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Whiskey Drinking Woman was created in 1990.

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When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, so does her baby. Drinking may harm her developing baby. (Fetus) Alcohol passes from the mother's blood, into the babies blood. It can damage and affect the growth of the babies cells. Studies do not yet show that it is safe for a pregnant woman to drink even a small amount, as different babies react differently to even the tiniest bit of alcohol. Although the risk is higher with heavy alcohol use- any amount of alcohol may affect your developing baby. You may be able to prevent FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) by not drinking at all when you are pregnant. Hope this helps. :)

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Drinking alcohol in moderation may reduce inhibitions, overcome embarrassment, increase the circulation of blood, and lead to improved performance. However, too much alcohol may reduce performance although, one might think he was performing better.Ask a woman (who is not a lush) if she'd rather have a sober partner or one who's been drinking.

How often does fas occur?

FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME(FAS) only occurs if a woman drinks alcohol during her pregnancy. But not every child who's mother drank during there pregnancy gets born with FAS. However, by not drinking during pregnancy, woman can ensure that their babies will NOT have FAS or any other negative effects.

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When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol there is a risk that the resulting baby will be born with a very serious and incurable condition called Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (or FAS) which will cause emotional problems, learning disability, and a predisposition toward alcoholism.

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Alcohol isn't good for anyone and by asking if it's good for pregnant women you also ask if it's good for the unborn baby since he/she get what ever the woman is eating and drinking. The answer is no. In some countries they say half a glass a wine a day is OK though. A small glass that is.

Should a woman drink alcohol if she believes she is in week two of a pregnancy?

Hello!!!! If a woman thinks she is pregnant, then NO she should not be drinking alcohol!! It really doesn't matter what week of pregnancy she "thinks" she is in. No amount of alcohol has been proven to be safe during pregnancy. Bottom line is this...If you think you might be pregnant, don't drink and go get a pregnancy test. If you are having sex, you need to talk to a health care provider about birth control.

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