

Will Carnation milk make plant leaves shiny?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Don't clean your plants with milk.

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Q: Will Carnation milk make plant leaves shiny?
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By coating the leaves of a money plant with will make these more shiny but it will harm the plant as oily coat will not facilitate exchange of air to and fro stomata.

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Though one can make paper from any plant but it is not economically advisable to make paper from taro plant leaves or any other plant leaves.

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the leaves make the plant's foodA plant makes it food in its vacuole

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The leaves of a plant make photosynthesis, which is energy for the plant.

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Poured in the soil, it will attract pests and bacteria. Rubbed on the leaves, the thin coat of oil will shine and decrease the leaves' ability to do their of exchanging gases. So, yes, but you're better off spritzing the plant now and again with water to get dust off of it and promote leaf health for a natural shine.

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no leaves do

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(1) The leaves make food for the plant by photosynthesis. (2) The leaves get rid of excess water from the plant through transpiration. (3) The leaves carry out the process of respiration in plants. The leaves make food for the plant by the process of photosynthesis.