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All US states and territories honor each other's requests for extradition - there are no 'safe-haven' states - it is impossible to know with certainty whether a particular state will choose to extradite you or not, there are simply too many variables. It may depend on the offense and the seriousness of it and/or how badly they want you returned - most states WILLextradite for felony offenses.

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Q: Will Georgia pick up probation violator charged with a misdemeanor in Florida?
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What is the punishment for felony probation violation in Georgia?

Violating condition of a felony probation in Georgia can carry serious consequences. It can be punishable by jail. For serious probation violations a judge has the power to revoke a probation sentence and send the violator to prison.

In the state of Georgia does felony probation take presidence over misdemeanor probation?

No, the provisions of each sentence of probation must be adhered to. If they are in conflict you must contact your PO, or the court, for guidance on which to adhere to.

Does misdemeanor probation have a statute of limitation in Georgia?

In Georgia, there is no statute of limitations for probation that is part of a criminal sentence. Misdemeanor probation is typically determined by the court when sentencing an individual and will continue until the terms of probation are completed.

Do warrants issued for misdemeanor probation in Georgia expire?

A warrant never expires unless the warrant is served & returned (you're arrested) or a judge revokes the warrant.

How can you transfer your probation from Alabama to Georgia?

Can probation be transfered from Alabama to georgia

What is the statute of limitations on misdemeanor probation in ga?

2 years for misdemanor from date of crime.

Can you travel to Hawaii while on probation in Georgia?

I would call your probation officer to find out.

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Can you buy a gun while on probation for a DUI in Georgia?

You will need to consult with a lawyer and your probation officer.

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Is an unlawful threat a misdemeanor or felony in Georgia?

It depends on the type of threat If the threat was verbal, it would be neither misdemeanor of felony If the threat was physical, it would be a misdemeanor