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Q: Will Hurricane Irene hit Rhode Island bad?
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Will hurricane Irene hit Rhode Island?

Yes most of it but it will only be category 1 hurricane so not so bad.

Is hurricane Irene bad?

Yes it mostly depends on where you live.

What role did Rhode Island play?

he played as the bad guy

Why does Rhode Island have eccentric people?

Eccentric people are EVERYWHERE! Rhode Island is the 13th State and many people still have bad feelings about the number 13.

What type of damage will be most destructive to New York City when Hurricane Irene hits?

Not as bad as the south but its still a hurricane so it will do some damage. If you are prepared you'll be just fine.

How is the school system in Rhode Island?

very bad ive went there before

Why has there been more than one hurricane named after Irene?

Hurricane names become available for re-use on a six year rotation. It is only if a storm is particularly bad that the name is retired from re-use.

Can a hurricane occur on long island?

Yes, hurricanes have struck Long Island in the past. One particularly bad storm struck the island in 1938.

Why were people not prepared for Hurricane Sandy?

There were a few reasons. First, Hurricane Sandy made a direct impact on a region not accustomed to storms of that magnitude. Second, Sandy was a very unusual storm in a number of ways, including its unprecedented westward turn. Third, that same region had been impacted by Hurricane Irene the previous year. Irene was a damaging storm, but was not quite as bad in the northeast region as had been expected. As a result, many dismissed the dire warnings about Hurricane Sandy as exaggeration.

What are some bad things about the colony Rhode Island?

Johnston, home of the landfill and a whole lot of white trash.

When is it hurricane season in Puerto Rico?

Hurricane season typically runs from June 1 to November 30 on the island. But and you have to realize that the island is not continually besieged by storms and bad weather for the entire six months.

Was hurricane IKE a bad hurricane?
