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Q: Will I die from eating sharpie?
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Can you die sniffing a sharpie?


Can you die from inhaling sharpie markers?

No you won't die, but you will have brain damage. The Sharpie has acetate as an ingredient and that is used in glue. So sniffing a Sharpie is the same as sniffing glue.

Is it ok to have sharpie in your hair?

Yes. It will wash out and you will not die from it.

Can you die if nail polish remover and sharpie get in a cut at the same time?


What happens when you write on your wrist with sharpie?

It last a while but the toxins in a sharpie can absorb in your skin so i recommend you don't do it because it can ruin your blood cells and can poison you or the person

Can you die from putting sharpie on your skin?

No. Putting ink on your skin will not kill you. It will look ugly, but not kill you.

Can putting sharpie in your hair damage it?

Can putting sharpie on your hair damage it

How do you get sharpie of a Nintendo ds?

You can get sharpie off of anything by tracing wherever the sharpie mark is with an expo marker.

What font is the Sharpie Marker logo?


Can chihuahuas die from eating mold?

It may die from eating mold.

Can you get sick if you swallowed a sharpie marker?

Yes you can get sick, or worse die, if you swallow a sharpie marker. It could cause choking, poisoning, or become lodged in the intestines. Something like this would probably need to be removed surgically.

How do you get sharpie out of your 100 percent cotton shirt?

you do not get sharpie out of your 100 percent cotton shirt unless the color of the sharpie is:magentababy blue