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Q: Will Mars be terraformed in 2286 like in Frontier Elite 2?
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No. --------- It can, through intelligent organisms with technology. If people colonized mars and made it permanently habitable/ terraformed it that would be earth reproducing.

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What planet has a harsh landscape?

All planets except Earth have conditions extremely unsuitable for life. Venus is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit because it has an extreme greenhouse effect. Mercury and Pluto have no atmosphere. Mars has a thin atmosphere and is too cold (although it could possibly be terraformed).

What planet will be terraformed in the near future?

Mars and Venus may be options but there is no method of determining what considerations may be required, Several moons in the solar system are also good potential targets. Nothing will be terraformed in any near future. Mars could be possible but, according to the National Geographic issue on "exploring space" , it would take a thousand years of constant work just to bring the temperature up to habitable levels. To produce breathable air would take several thousand millenia.

What do you think of future 3000 years from now?

It seems that technology will still be here I mean that we will still have cities, even though it would be very hot, we can stand heat. It's obvious that teleportation and time travel will be here, but the galaxy will be colonized as well as planets like Mars which might be terraformed.

If you had to leave Earth which of the other 7 planets would you choose to live on if life exists and why?

According to today's technology, it appears as though the easiest planet to colonize would be Mars, because it already has water and all the building blocks life needs to survive: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen. Many other issues would have to be worked out though.

Are we going to live on mars one day?

It is hard to say whether or not, but entirely possible that one day humans will inhabit Mars. Mars is located in the Habitable (Goldilocks) Zone, but its core has become inactive, causing it to become inhospitable to life. In order for life as we know it to survive on Mars, the planet would have to be 'terraformed,' or made like Earth. Hopefully humanity will be able to survive long enough to find a practical way of colonizing Mars. Overpopulation, disease, hunger, and upheaval are running rampant on Earth. These issues serve as powerful driving forces to find solutions, such as colonization of other planets, but are not powerful enough driving forces just yet. Whether the human race shall survive long enough to colonize another planet is hard to say. We can only hope.

What planet in the solar system would you visit and why?

Mars because it would be the next easiest to inhabit, terraformed or not. The rest in the this solar system are to harsh to make it worth while. And beyond this solar system it too far for humans to travel at present.

What bodies in our solar system will most likely be terraformed in the future?

Venus. Carl Sagan proposed back in 1993 that we should strike Venus with large asteroids, in an attempt to eject the inhospitable atmosphere away from the planet. With current technology, such as rockets and nuclear weapons, this can be done.

Could mars make a good planet to live on?

Last answer= no ------------- New= It depends we could live on mobile bases sent to mars, but only for research by astronauts. with the fact that there are powerful dust storms and tornadoes that will sweep over the surface occasionally, it wouldn't be possible to colonize on the surface for civilians from earth. and because of the low gravity, pressure, and temperature on mars, without a special suit, your blood would boil, then freeze. that would be a bad (but cool) way to die. because of that, one option is to create airtight seals in sections of the inactive underground magma chambers of Olympus Mons, a super massive volcano three times the size of mount everest. but, I'd say the best option would be to terraform mars. which means to make it like a second earth. terraformed mars would look like earth from space, all blue and green. to do this, we would have to send massive amounts of greenhouse gases to mars. on earth, too much greenhouse gas has a negative effect of global warming. but on mars, it would be a good thing. it would equalize pressure and temperature to make life. but, terraforming could take 100 years. if we do terraform mars, it's possible that one day, you could walk around on mars without the need for a space suit. so, those are our options for future colonization on mars

What do the Mars people eat when they are on the planet Mars?

There are no people on Mars, and no astronauts have visited Mars. The Moon, yes, Mars, no.