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Yes. Quebec will, and should separate from Canada. One of the many reasons they wanted to leave is due to their differences in language and culture from Canada. These differences are in fact very major, and no matter what the rest of Canada (ROC) may think. Quebec is a strong contributor to the culture and economy of Canada. However, no catastrophic problems would occur if they ever did separate. These days, right-wing politicians in the House of Commons of Canada only use this as a threat to try and protect the interests of those who live in central provinces, such as Alberta and Saskatchewan. That is because they realize the problems that would happen with separation, that those provinces benefits greatly from Quebec because they can pass their natural ressources like tar sands on Quebec territory to reach the Atlantic. The original movements of separation were caused by proud nationalists since 1867 and was based on rational long term thought.

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Q: Will Quebec separate
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it is so they can separate from Canada and leave the Confederation the provinces

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In Canada, separatists generally want to separate Quebec from confederation.

What did the FLQ want for Quebec?

"non ingérence, non indifférence" France doesn't promote the independance of quebec and help "souverainiste" but if the quebec become independent, France will be the first to recognize the new country because of the strong economics and cultural relations with the province

Why might Quebec separate and become its own country?

It has a different language than the rest of canada

Why does the Canadian government oppose Quebec becoming a separate nation?

because the gov. did not make borders at the time.

Is Quebec apart of Canada?

no it's part of it, even if some french canadians people want to separate and be independent, our country is Canada. Quebec is just a province just like Ontario and Alberta