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It should not unless it prevents you from performing some essential job function or requires you to take medication that could impair you. There may be a concern over the potential for you to be re-injured, but that would certainly be decided by the individual agency. In short, as long as you can meet all relevent job duties, a past back injury should have no more impact than a past pulled muscle.

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Q: Will a back surgery you had in 2001 disqualify you from being hired as a police officer?
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Will a past history of drug use disqualify you from being a police officer you used to lead a bad life but have been down the straight road for many years and got an honorable discharge from the USMC?

Unfortunately, yes.

Does a honorable discharge disqualify you from being a police?

Honorable discharges are legitimate for any job, including law enforcement agencies. That being said, if you were discharged for incompetent or illegal actions, the police may recognize and disqualify you for that. But, in general, an honorable discharge is still considered "leaving on good terms".

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You got the same powers as a police officer, If you looking on becoming a full time police officer being a special constable helps because you already part of the police force

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a sheriff, body guard, or a security officer(:

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The single most important thing about being a police officer, ...Go home at the end of every shift.

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The penalties for assaulting a police officer will vary from state to state, but often involve being shot by the police.

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If being a police officer is what you want to do with your life, then having job satisfaction will of course improve your over-all sense of pleasure in life. However, there are no special mental or physical benefits of being a police officer over any other profession.

Is it worth being a police officer?

If you want to fight for your right.

How do police live their life?

Just,like anyone else. Being a police officer is a job. Not who a person is.

How much do you get paid being police officer?

police officers get paid anything from 19k to 55k a year. (: