

Will a bigger corn-snake get along with a smaller corn-snake?

Updated: 11/15/2022
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Lvl 1
13y ago

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No. Snakes are solitary animals that only come together to breed.

Forcing snakes to live together can cause several problems:

1. stress due to one snake trying to be dominate over the other snake. this snake will take most of the food and the hides it likes. the other will be very stressed and as a result have reduced immune system functionality, eat less, and not be very happy.

2. cannibalism. while not common in all species, it does in fact happen with nearly all species. all it takes is for one to mistake the other as food and eat it, and then possibly die due to the size of the meal. is it really worth the risk?

3. disease and parasite transfer between the snakes. if snakes are housed together, any parasites or diseases that one has, the other will also get. if one gets sick, then you've doubled your vet bills.

all this risk for what? it doesn't really save money, tanks and supplies are cheap.

all it saves is a few cubic feet of shelf space.

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Q: Will a bigger corn-snake get along with a smaller corn-snake?
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