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No, it won't show up.

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Q: Will a deleted tweet still show up on someone's phone if they have signed up to get your tweets on their mobile?
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Related questions

How can you read tweets from deleted accounts?

You can't sadly.

Why have your tweets decreased?

It's possible that some have been deleted.

How do you retrieve past tweets?

You can simply click on Tweets on your profile and scroll to see them all. If you have deleted the tweet in question, unfortunately, you will be unable to recover it.

How long does it take for your number of tweets on twitter to erase?

This is quite an ongoing question. However, there has been no recent news of deleted Tweets due to "over-tweeting".

Is there a way on Twitter where you can see someones tweets from when they started using it without having to keep clicking on more?

No, unless they have only a few tweets which can fit the whole page.

How do you choose the date of the tweet when you are checking someones profile on twitter?

You can't search for tweets by date.

Does your name show up if you are reading someones tweets on twitter?

No your name will never show up

How can you read someones twitter page if you are not a member?

Simply go to their URL and their tweets will be displayed on their page.

Who sees deleted tweets?

No one. Once you delete a tweet, it cannot be accessed in any way.

What happens to re-tweeted tweets once the original has been deleted?

The retweet will still exist.

Do people on Twitter know when somebody who is not logged in to their Twitter account read their tweets?

If you are not a member of twitter, but read someones tweets is it anonymous?

How do you read someones protected tweets?

The only way to read someones protected twitters is to follow them and have them follow you back.