

Will a fire salamander eat your tadpoles?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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It is possible. They eat young frogs and slugs.

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Q: Will a fire salamander eat your tadpoles?
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They eat fire and basically anything that normal toad/ tadpoles eat . I know it sounds silly that they eat fire but it is true! How else would the get their 'fire bellys ' from? hope this helps! (NOT FIRE probably what normal tadpoles eat.)

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No, spotted salamander tadpoles do not have spots.

Do salamander's eggs hatch as tadpoles?

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A fire salamander has a backbone which means is it a vertebrate and it is a amphibian.

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What do baby salimanders eat?

The Fist week of life baby salamanders Eat their own shell. After the first week The salamander Starts eating small animals like Brine Shrimp and Plankton. The Week following that depending on size the Salamander can start eating mosquito eggs, insect larvae and tadpoles. At the one month mark the Salamander should be fully grown and can begin to eat the same diet as an adult.

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Many reptiles and birds, noteably storks and herons and such. Insects will occasionally have a go at them as well, especially the larvae of dragonflies will hunt tadpoles and salamander larvae.

Is Fire Salamander a Reptile?

The actual species known as the fire salamander is and amphibian, not a reptile.

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Tadpoles eat plants.

What does a Grotto Salamander eat?

All salamanders are carnivorous: larger ones consume earthworms and adults and larvae of many insects; smaller species eat small insects, insect larvae and various small invertebrates. Larvae eat tadpoles, smaller salamander larvae and aquatic invertebrates

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Algae and other plant matter.