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Leaves depend on the sun to make food using a chemical called chlorella and if a leaf is coated with wax, sunlight cannot penetrate through the thick and opaque layer of wax and thus the leaf will not be able to make its food.

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Q: Will a leaf which is coated with wax be able to make its food and why?
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What do leaf make food out of?

They use photosynthesis which means they get their food from the sun.

What happens to plants if you take all of the leafs off except one?

The plant will die - as it will not be able to make enough food from the limited leaf area.

What part of a plant make food?

the leave

What two things does the leaf take to make food?

sun energy and carbon dioxide

What is chlorophyll in a leaf?

Chlorophyll is the green coloration of the leaf and or plant. It is the molecule that absorbs sunlight and uses its energy to make carbohydrates from Carbon Dioxide and Water.

Related questions

What happens if leaves of green plant are coated with oil?

The plant will not be able to take in sunlight and the plant will not be able to make food and die.

Why is periwinkle plant able to make food without its leaf?

It has a green stem and can photosynthesis with this if the leaves are removed

Is A Leaf Function As A tissue To Make Food For A Plant?

Yes because the leaf has energy from the sun that helps make food for the plant

Where do apple trees make their food?

Apple trees make their food in the leaf cells.

What do leaf make food out of?

They use photosynthesis which means they get their food from the sun.

What does leaf cells do?

the cells leaf do that they make the photosynthesis from the sun

What is the function of the leaf blade?

The function of the leaf blade is to abosorb light and make food.

What happens to plants if you take all of the leafs off except one?

The plant will die - as it will not be able to make enough food from the limited leaf area.

What happens if surface of leaves is coated with Vaseline?

When leaf surface is coated with Vaseline then plant will start getting yellow with the passage of time because Vaseline will stop the process of photosynthesis. This yellowing is known as chlorosis.

Can leaf insect make their own food?

Yes.Insects make their iwnfood

What is requirement of phtosynthesis a green leaf?

to make food

What part of a plant make food?

the leave