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Many employers now run background checks on all new hires. The scope of these background checks can include interviews with acquaintances and former co-workers, previous employers, neighbors, and inquiries with local law enforcement agencies for warrants and criminal history. Such a background check would reveal any probation violations, as well as arrests and/or convictions that resulted in probation.

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Q: Will a new employer know if you have violated your probation?
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Are your charges still considered pending while you are on unsupervised probation?

No, but if the unsupervised probation is violated for a new charge then it can be revoked.

What happens when you move out of state on probation with out permission in New Jersey?

What are you thinking?? You will have violated your probation! Probation is a SENTENCE for being found GUILTY. If you abscond (flee) your status is the same as that of a fugitive. The better thing to do, is to ask the court's permission to have your probation transferred to your new intended state of residence.

Do you have to be found guilty of new charges before your probation is revoked?

No, your probation is for a past offense and can be revoked at any point by your probation officer. ANSWER No you do not need to be found guilty of new charges. Any violation of the conditions of probation can result in revocation. Probation officers do not revoke probation only a judge can order probation revoked.

How much time will you serve if you violated a restraining order if i am already on felony probation?

If charged with a new crime while already on felony probation the likliehood is 100% that you will be 'violated' and returned to jail/prison, not only to serve the remainder of your sentence while incarcerated, but also to await prosecution for the new offense.

Legal obligation to tell current employer about new employer?

No. The only time any information about your new employer would be relevant to your old employer would be if your employment with the new employer violated a contract (eg covenant not to compete) you signed with the old employer.

What is the statute of probation in NJ?

You've already been found guilty of a criminal offense and probation is your sentence, so you won't get a new trial. . If you violated, there is no telling what may be in the mind of the judge when you go back before him. He could very well revoke your probation and sentence you to spend the remainder of your original sentence in jail.

If on 1 year probation can you go to jail if you violated for the first time?

Any time you violate the terms of your probation you go to jail, even if it's just to be brought before the judge to answer the violation. A violation of probation hearing is held in court, and can be tried although not before a jury, and guilt beyond a reasonable doubt need not be proven -- just by a preponderance of evidence, for such violation to be proven. The outcome of such a hearing may range from a return to probation with a warning from the judge, to a revocation of probation and a sentence to a jail term not exceeding a term for which the original crime for which the person went on probation is punishable by. It should be noted that no credit for the time on probation is given against the term of incarceration. For example if you are on probation for a year, for a crime punishable by a year in jail, and your probation is violated after 11 months and 26 days, you could go to jail, still, for that year, minus whatever time you already spent in jail. The outcome may depend on what the probation officer recommends, what the prosecutor will recommend, and what the terms you violated were. A charge of a new offense has a heavy impact. Your probation could be modified to include more terms, or more probation time, or could be altogether revoked as mentioned above.

State of New Mexico is abusing your husband by placing him in prison when this is not the court case decision was probation not imprisonment how do you report this?

Not enough information was given in question. Did he violate his probation? If so, then he violated the provisions of his lenient sentence and will now suffer the consequences of the more severe sentence. If not, contact the New Mexico Attorney General's Office.

Do Probation officers always know about a new warrant?

They certainly should, it is part of their job.

Why do some companies place new employees on probation?

so that know that they are not doing drugs

How you can know your PF amount transfer from your old employer to your new employeer?

Contact your old employer for the status of the transfer request

How much jail time will you have to do off a possession of marijuana with intent to sell you violated probation 4 years probation with 5 years suspended?

You will be charged with the new marijuana PWI offense and face court action for that charge. As far as the probation goes - the sentencing judge who gave you probation in the first place will have the final word on what they will do with you. They may send you inside to serve the entire remainder of your original sentence, or only part of it. It is totally the judge's call.