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Piranhas' eyes normally grow back, but I'm not sure about pirnahas.

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Q: Will a pirnaha eyes grow back?
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heck, no! (echo) no, no. no

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Do goldfish eyes grow back after being eaten by another fish?

No they do not. Goldfish can regrow fins just as you and I can regrow hair or finger nails and also like us they can not regrow organs like eyes

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The stalk of the crabs eyes if cut off or got eaten, the crab is able to grow one back same to the crab's eyes.

If you had colored eyes young and now you dont can they come back?

Sometimes our eye color changes as we grow, so it may or may not come back.

Do your eyes grow with age?

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No, horse's eyes do not grow. Horses are born with eyes the same size as they will be all through their life into adulthood.

What is it that don't grow on a person?

eyes never grow

Do your eyes grow farther apart as you grow up?

NO! where did you get that?!?!?!?!?!

Do eyes grow farther apart as you grow up?

NO! where did you get that?!?!?!?!?!

Do the eyes grow?

At birth, an infants eyes are about two-thirds the size of adult eyes. From the second year of life until puberty, eye growth progressively slows. After puberty, eye growth is negligible. "Yes, human eyes grow dramatically in size from bith until about 15 to 16 years of age. The size of the human eye from front to back is about 17 millimeters(mm) at birth, and human eyes grow to about 21 mm by two years of age, and about 23 to 24 mm by the time you reach your teenage years, in which it has grown to about 7/8th of an inch. This eye growth is in the "axial length" of the eye (front to back), and not in the part in which one sees through when looking at something. So, to answer the question, do human eyes grow?. Yes, human eyes grow until you are about 16 years old."

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