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Will a plant grow better if it has rocks around it or just with soil?

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Q: Will a plant grow better if it has rocks on its soil or without?
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Do plants grow better in rocks sand or soil?

Depends on the plant but most, not all grow better in soil because of the richness. Plants can grow next to rocks but some in rocks.

Does a plant grow better with or without sun?

With the sun.

Can a plant grow more better without sun?


Do plants grow better in the sun or without sun?

Plants grow better in the sun, because sunlight provides the necessary energy a plant needs. Without sunlight (sun), the plant will most likely die.

What is plant action?

plant roots can grow in cracks rocks. as they grow they break apart the rock.

Would a plant grow without light?

no, a plant would not grow without light

How do plants break rocks into smaller pieces?

plant roots grow into cracks in rocks

Do plants grow better with or without soil?

Plants usually grow better with soil, as it contains nutrients which the plant draws on. Plants can be grown in a sterile mixture, but they need nutrients added to their water to grow. they can grow without soil because i did na science project and it growed.

Where does a plant grow better in dirt or soil?

a plant grows better in soil

Do plant grow better in clay or sand?

plants that like water grow better in clay and plant that don't like water grow better in sand. like cactus

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Sexual Plant Propagation needs seeds for it to grow and without seeds the plant will not grow.

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