

Will a toenail grow off after being ripped out?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Will a toenail grow off after being ripped out?
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Will soaking your ripped off toenail in salt water help?

Yes, that will help prevent any infection. Then, put some antibiotic cream on the wound...where the toenail used to be. Then, if you want, put a band-aid on the area to keep it clean. Don't worry, they grow back eaisily!

What to do if your toenail is ripped off?

What I always did was clean it and then I would get a band-aid to put over it to stop the flow of blood.

What if a toenail got ripped off how long will it take for a new one to grow back so i can go to camp?

It can take from 3 months to 9 months, but make sure you put a plaster over it!

What makes a toenail fall off?

If you drop something heavy on your toenail, it will kill the nailbed and it will fall off. Usually will grow back eventually.

If you have a cracked toenail with dried purple blood should you take it off?

No! Let the new toenail grow to replace it.

If you Kick a rock and your toenail falls off will it grow back ok this i gonna sound icky but i kicked a rock and my toenail came clean off and im worried another Toenail wont grow back in its place?

It should do...unless you're a zombie.

How do you know if you're being ripped off?

It would depend on being ripped off by? In business a partner? Employee?

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What medical treat for a toenail that fell off?

I think you just wrap it and wait for it to grow back.

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Do toenails Regrow?

Yes, no matter what the cause of the toenail to fall off, it will grow back within several months.

How do you make your toenail fall off if they aren't loose?

By picking or peeling the toenail off.