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Unfortunately, none of the politicians will go to hell because hell does not exist. Most politicians will face little to no retribution for having forced their subjects to obey them at the point of gun.

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Q: Will all politicians go to hell?
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i am a Muslim and all who are christian that kiss in lips or do bed fun will go to hell i sware ur question is sooooooooooooooo stupid!!!! reallyreally really?My Answer: Who said Muslims are going to go to hell. Are you God to know who's going to hell and who's not? Do you know if you're going to hell?

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NO . All things are possible with god.

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no those people will not go to hell because that is why god died to erase all of our seines so that we can go to heaven.

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If you say ( insert god's name here) forgive me of all of my sins. you will never go to hell( you have to mean it)

Will you go to heaven if the world ends?

If you are a good person then you will go to heaven. If you were a bad person you will go to hell. It all depends on your faith and religion. Also it depend on how you were as a person on earth if you were mean then you will go to hell hopeful you were nice and go to heaven with god and not to hell with the devil.

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They would not go to hell, as hell does not exist. They would however go to prison, and depending on your age, you also. In all likely hood you would be moved to a foster home.

Why do teens go to hell?

It really depends. If a teenager is good and following the rules correctly, then yes, he will go to heaven. If a teenager is bad and not following the correct rules, he will be sent to hell.