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Yes. Yes. Yes. Any sin is wiped out by repentance - under the following conditions: Taubah is not accepted when: 1) the person's soul has begun to leave his body at the time of death, or 2) the sun has begun to rise from the West - the last sign before the Day of Judgment. Proper taubah which is accepted is made up of these things: 1) The person feels bad that they made the sin they want to repent from. 2) The person prays to Allah and asks to be forgiven. 3) The person has the sincere intention in his heart to hopefully never return to making the same sin. If, in fact, he does go back to it, he has to make sincere taubah again. As long as the person tries his very best to not do it again, then even if he does fall into it again, his taubah will STILL be accepted. Allah forgives again and again when the person is truly sincere. 4) If the person caused any hurt to another person by making the sin ( like he stole some money, or he hit someone, or insulted someone, etc.) then part of his taubah is to go back to the eprson he hurt and try to fix what he did to hurt him. May Allah, the Merciful, forgive us all - we all fall short. Remember that the Prophet said: "To live in this life and not make sins is like walking through a puddle of water and not getting your feet wet. Everyone sins - but the best one among you is he who turns back, quickly, to Allah and ask for forgiveness". Remember that Moses killed a man - and immediately asked Allah for forgiveness - and Allah forgave him - immediately. Of course, that does not mean that we intentionally commit a sin with the idea that we will repent. That is not right because it violates one of the requirements of taubah which is: sincerity. A person must try - with all sincerity - to be obedient to Allah. By the way, if a person is not practicing Islam by making the daily prayers, his taubah will also not count. Or if a person makes SHIRK - by praying to someone other than Allah - then taubah is also unacceptable. Just be a good Muslim - as much as you can - and Allah is the One who Forgives all sins. Alhamdu lillah !

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Q: Will all the sins be forgiven when you perform tauba?
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Mortal sins can only be forgiven in the sacrament of penance or with an act of perfect contrition with the resolve to go to confession as soon as possible. Venial sins can be forgiven with an act of imperfect or perfect contrition, reception of the Holy Eucharist, use of a sacramental, after death.

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All sins are forgiven in heaven if they weren't no one would ever go to heaven. I believe sins are forgiven on earth too but some that may not seem forgiven because people go to jail for them would be murder rape (adultery).

Will moral sins be forgiven?

Of course, the only sins which cannot be forgiven are the unforgivable sin which is the sin against Hope (the second of the Cardinal Virtues). The sins against hope which cannot be forgiven are presumption and despair.The former is akin to the Protestant theory that once you are "saved" you cannot do anything to lose your salvation. That is presumption and is unforgivable as you don't think you need forgiveness.The latter, despair, is unforgivable as you don't think you can be forgiven for whatever reason: you think you have committed too many sins, or too horrible a sin, or whatever.The sins against hope cannot be forgiven for the simple reason that you cannot be contrite and ASK for forgiveness. God will forgive ANYTHING as long as we repent of it - which is not just being sorry for it, but trying not to do it again.Sins which we have not yet done cannot be forgiven until AFTER we do them, and repent of them. But all mortal sins can be forgiven as long as we confess them and repent. It is only when we are not contrite and repentant that we cannot be forgiven.

Are all of your sins forgiven even if you don't confess them?

Roman Catholic AnswerNo, not normally. If you are referring to a good confession in which you, perhaps, honestly forgot a sin, then, yes, in that instance, the sin would be forgiven IF you mention it during your next confession, and tell the priest that you honestly forgot it last time. But if you are asking if your sins are forgiven if you just neglect to go to confession and tell all of them, then no. Jesus set up confession as the normal way of having your sins forgiven, and you must abide by that.

Anyone who receive the Eucharist and confession and of all your sins forgiven all in oneday so you receive blessings?

Yes,your sins are forgiven in one day and you a grace granted by God to you. If you would take your confession wholeheartedly you will not sin no more.If you are a sinner the Eucharist would be invalid.

If you're a Christian is it okay to have a kid before marriage if you repent?

certainly! all sins are forgiven through jesus.

What factors motivated Europeans to participate in a crusade?

The Pope told everyone that if they fought in the Crusades, all of their sins would be forgiven.

What factors motivated europeans participate in a crusade?

The Pope told everyone that if they fought in the Crusades, all of their sins would be forgiven.

How many times should one play for a sin committed?

I assume that you meant "pray". You should ask for forgiveness for the sins that you have committed once. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins" (1 John 1:9). When someone is forgiven it doesn't mean that the person forgiving will keep dragging it up. You are forgiven and that is it. God also says that when we are forgiven, "he remembers our sins no more" (Jer 31:34). This doesn't mean that God actually forgets things, he just doesn't count our sins against us any more. If you keep saying sorry for the same sin, it shows that you don't believe that God has forgiven you. Trust that God in his grace loves you and if you have truly repented, has forgiven you totally and truly once and for all, and that's all you need.

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No. You must repent and ask for forgiveness to ever be forgiven. But one of the best parts is..... ITS THAT SIMPLE!!!! :) God LOVES you with all His heart and wants to forgive you. He wants to know who you are and what you need. Pray to Him and ask Him to wash your sins away and you are forgiven :)

Whose sins you shall forgive they are forgiven whose sins you shall retain they are retained?

This statement is from the Bible, specifically from the Gospel of John. It refers to the authority given to the apostles by Jesus to forgive or retain sins. It is understood as an explanation of the power of the sacrament of reconciliation in the Catholic Church.