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Vinegar will work. There are also some spray cans with a motion detector sold at pet stores that will scare the acts away from the furniture for good.

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Q: Will ammonia keep cats from deficating on outdoor furniture?
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Where could I find unique ideas for furniture for cats?

I found a lot of nice furniture for cats that I loved as I have 2 cats myself, my favorite came from DIY show off where they have an outdoor walk for cats which is a basically a walkway where cats can go outside and get fresh air without being in danger from traffic or other wild animals that are lurking about.

What is the compound subject and verb in indoor cats and outdoor cats require lots of attention?

Indoor cats and outdoor cats are the compound subject (not including the and), and require is the verb.

Are cats lazier than dogs?

indoor cats yes, outdoor cats **** no.

Will ammonia poured around cat areas get rid of cats?

seeing as how cats urine contains a high concentrate of ammonia it is doubtful there is a plant that will dter cats but the name is lost to me at the deter cats naturally with plant

Do cats chew furniture?

yes the do

How long do outdoor cats live for?

The average life span of an outdoor cat is 4 years. Indoor cats live on average 12-15 years.

Are scratch posts really helpful to stop cats from scratching furniture?

Scratch posts can be helpful in stopping cats from scratching furniture. They should be placed near furniture so that cats will choose them instead of the furniture. It also helps to cover your furniture with plastic when you first put the scratch posts out so they are the only thing the cat can scratch until they get used to it.

Should outdoor cats wear a bell?

If you want to know where they're at.

How do you keep pets off of furniture?

if it's a cat, just spray the furniture with lemon juice, they hate the smell. for cats and dogs, train them by spraying them with a bit of water anytime they jump onto it. cats can be hard though, the best option is probably to lock them out of the room ith that furniture in.

Will cats bother a corn snake?

Most cats will, especially outdoor and/or feral cats. Similar to the lure of the long rope being dragged around, few cats will ignore it.

How do you play with your outdoor kitten?

well if u can find a cat toy fishing pole thing, that's GREAT for outdoor cats

Are cats allergic to ammonia?

The main nitrogenous waste in all mammal urine is Urea (CH4N2O). Cat urine is highly concentrated. This means that it also has a higher amount of urea in it. When urea decays it produces amines (NH4 = ammonia) first then mercaptans (found in skunk spray). So, at first, the urine is odorless, but as it decays, it breaks down into ammonia