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Yes, bees pollinate forsythia even though apian pollination tends to be rare in this regard. The flowering plant in question serves as a welcome indication of warm weather around the corner since forsythia blooms in very late winter and in very early spring. It will be pollinated by such wildlife as insects, of which blue orchard mason bees (Osmia lignaria) will be far more common than any other kind of native or naturalized apian species.

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Bees pollinate flowers.

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No. Bees go from flower to flower randomly.

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Yes, honey bees can pollinate plants other than flowers. For example, in California, honey bees are absolutely essential to pollinate the almond trees.

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Yes. Bees pollinate most flowers and trees. One of a bees favorite places is a orchard where fruit trees are everywhere.

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Is it only bees that pollinate?

no, i think butterflys pollinate too i might be wrong

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