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how to take care of egg when fighter fish male die

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Q: Will betta eggs die if they fall on the floor of the tank?
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When do you know your female betta has had baby betta?

The eggs will be in the tank and if the dad's in the tank take the mom out.If the dad isn't in the tank take the mom out and put the dad in.

Can betta fish spawn but no eggs fall to the floor?

The male Betta will build a bubble nest at the top of his tank signalling he is ready to breed. A female will display horizontal stripes to signal she is. The two should now be introduced and carefully monitored. They will dance and the male will squeeze out the eggs and place them into the bubbles of the nest. The female should be removed at this point or she will become his next victim. The male will care for the eggs and catch any that fall to replace them into the protective bubbles of the nest. Once the eggs have hatched either the new fry or the male should be removed or a cannibalistic act will ensue.

Do you separate the betta felmale from the eggs after she has them?

Take a cup scoop her out and put her into a different tank

Will the eggs be safer with the female betta or the male betta?

both fish may eat the fish eggs, so i suggest you place the eggs in a small bowl or glass of water that you fill from the betta's tank. also, female and male bettas can e together. it is just the same gender that fight. So, you can put both bettas together and keep the eggs in the now vagant tank.

If a girl betta is pregnant with eggs can the boy betta still help the babies?

The male Betta builds a nest and takes the female under it. Then he embraces her and squeezes the eggs out and fertilises them. As the eggs sink down towards the floor of the tank he picks them up in his mouth and blows them into his nest. Once the female has no more eggs left she should be removed because the male fish will kill her if you don't. He will then look after the eggs and babies until they become free swimming if he is not removed at this time he will eat the babies.

Can you feed your betta fish eggs?

A tiny bit of unadulterated, finely shredded, tuna flesh would be OK occasionally, provided the Betta recognises it as food. On no account leave any uneaten food in the tank it will foul the water and kill the Betta.

How do you take care of the tank when you have a male and female betta in the same tank so that you don't disturbe the eggs if there are any and how do you know if there are eggs in the tank?

Bettas are bubble nest builders so if there are eggs they will be in a mass of bubbles at the surface of the tank. A male Betta will not tolerate another Betta in its tank with him so if you have two Bettas in a tank they are either too young to fight or they are two females that will not normally fight. To clean the tank you should put the fish into a large container containing water of the same temperature as that of the Bettas tank. You clean the tank properly and set it up (not forgetting to add some chlorine remover) and equalise the temperature before returning the fish.

Do betta fish lay how long do betta fish live for?

You mean betta fish, right? Betta fish cna lay eggs if you have two of the opposite gender in the same tank. If you have a male and female betta in one tank, they won't fight. If you have two females or two males, they will fight. So, you could see if they get allong. ig the bettas do lay eggs, they can still live together, but you MUST place tyhe eggs in a seperate tank, or they'll most likely be eatten. As for the lifecycle of a betta fish, if properly cared for, they can live for years. Two years is very old for some fish, but one man had a goldfish for 13 years!

Should you remove the betta fish bubbles?

No it means they are ready to mate and might even have eggs in it if there is a female in the same tank.

Female betta splendas are kept with a male now they are really fat they look like marbles with heads and tails whats wrong?

You should not keep female betta fish with males, unless you are breeding them and research about it first. The females are going to lay eggs. After they lay eggs, remove them from the tank, and leave the male in the tank.

What if you put a male and a female betta fish together?

THey will most likely have eggs. Be careful. You might want to put a divider in the tank.

Q:you can put a betta in a 5 gallon tank?

you can put a betta in a 54 gallon tank