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Once you stop taking Birth Control, within 7 days of stopping it you will begin to ovulate and put yourself at risk of pregnancy. Before you re-start birth control, perform a pregnancy test. If the test is negative, you can re-start birth control. If the test is positive, see your Doctor for confirmation. When you re-start birth control, you cannot have unprotected sex until you've been on birth control for one whole month. So until this time you need to use a condom for 4 weeks.

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Q: Will birth control stop working if you dont take it for a few months then start again?
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If you stop taking birth control and you start again can you not get pregnant?

It may take a few months to be able to conceive again, although some get pregnant very shortly after stopping birth control use. The number of times you stop/start taking birth control does not matter.

Will you have a normal period the first month you get off birth control?

It's very unlikely that you'd have a normal period the first month off birth control (I'm assuming by 'birth control' what you actually mean is the combination pill - please don't use these terms interchangeably, there are many forms of birth control!). Your first 'period' will be your withdrawal bleed as normal, but after that it may take a few months to get a real period again. It can also take up to 12 months for your cycles to regulate again once you stop using hormonal birth control.

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it takes approximately 3 months for your body to get used to it ... its not working instantly but its worth it

Does the birth control pill make you sterile?

No it should not affect you. Sometimes it takes a couple of months possibly a year to become fertile again

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It can take a few weeks to 3 months.

If im on birth control and dont get my period for 3 months is that just making it easier to get pregnant?

No. Some forms of birth control pills actually cause you to not get your period for months.

What is the purpose of a birth control shot?

The birth control shot is a very effective form of birth control. The hormone progesterone in the birth control shot works by preventing ovulation. The shot is given in the arm or the buttocks every three months. There is a chance of pregnancy if you wait over three months for your next shot.

Can breastfeeding be used as a birth control?

Breastfeeding is a natural birth control but it does not work for all women. If it does work then you are usually protected for the first 3 months. I have known women that this works for an also others that have gotten pregnant again the first time they had sex after the baby was born.

Can pineapple stop birth control from working properly?

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Can birth control make you spot?

Yes. In the first few months of being on birth control, this happens frequently, and it fades as you continue to use it.

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