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Q: Will coliform in water hurt tomato plants and get into the fruit?
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How do you water tomato plants?

Yes you do water tomato plants but don't over fill with water

How do you have a good harvest for tomato plants?

Prepare soil that meets the needs of tomatoes- nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium. Plant the plants deep- up to the first leaves. Mulch plants to control weeds and conserve water. Fertilize after the first fruit develops. Control plant pests (tomato hornworms) with the use of a biological such as BT. Stake or cage tomato plants to keep fruit off the ground.

If you added salt to the water in a pot containing tomato plants why should wilting begin?

sicne when do u put salt water in tomato plants?

What is the coliform cell limit in water by USPH standards?

It is 100 coliform cells for 100 ml water.

What is the difference between tomato sauce and tomato puree?

The difference between a fruit sauce and a fruit puree is that a fruit puree is fruit that has been pureed so you are left with the juice and pulp of the fruit. A fruit sauce is fruit with other ingredients used to make the sauce.

Is it good to water tomato plants directly on the plants or just the soil there in?

im thinking you would water the soil

How often do you water tomato plants?

Tomato plants that are planted in the garden should have a minimum of 1" of water per week. If the plant is growing in a container it should have at least 1 gallon of water per day.

Coliform in well water?

Coliform in well water is the presence of fecal matter in the well water. If the bacteria is found in drinking water, appropriate action needs to be taken.

How often tomato plants need to be watered?

a tomatoe has 97% water in it.

Can you water a garden with coliform in the water?

am also looking for the same

What is a coliform count?

A coliform count is a microbiological assay of the number of coliform-type bacteria living in a certain sample. This is often used as a measure of fecal contamination of water supplies.

What is a coliform count of water?

Coliforms are rod shaped gram negative bacteria that are often in well water. Not all coliform are harmful, but those of fecal origin are very harmful. The lab coliform count determines what type and how many coliform are in a water sample. This result is always marked "fit for human use" or "NOT fit for human use".