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They probably will at times. It depends on the guy. Some may be planning a surprise, some may not!

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Q: Will guys act suspicious to get sex?
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We say "acting suspicious" to describe someone's behavior or actions that seem questionable or cause concern. On the other hand, "looking suspicious" may refer to someone's appearance that suggests potential wrongdoing, but the more common phrase is "acting suspicious."

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because they're guys

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because they're cheating!

How will you keep that you are not a virgin to your boyfriend?

Ignore the topic of virginity to your cant hide it. guys will no when you have sex with them.if you guys dont have sex though, just dont talk about it.but if you do, tell the truth..its nothing to be ashamed of? hell probably respect itSome guys like girls that are virgins because the way they act to the topic sex and details like thatSome guys like girls that arent virgins the fact that there experienced and easy going to that topic :)

Is it a sign of cheating when he says he is going out with the guys?

Most likely not. Guys just go hang out quite alot together. And just because he is going to see his friends, doesn't mean he is cheating. Although there is a possibility that he might be (although very slim). Does he act suspicious in any way?

Do guys like to hear you are sore after sex?

Not the good guys.

Why do guys hate being virgins?

It is the fundamental meaning of life; to reproduce. Subconsciously, all men guage their ability to reproduce by associating the meaningless act of sex as a denominator. Afterall, what is the point of sex (without reproducing) compared to the bigger picture? Pleasure has it's moments, but it's not just the guys that feel pressure to perform sex without reproducing.

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guys act like guys because they try to look all cool around their women they try to protect her act like they are they shining armor but when the boys hang out with the boys the treat their women like a piece of tissue,a maid,and a servant that's why guys act like guys Because thei're guys.. kind of a no brainer dont you think??

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guys want to have sex with them and have baby's DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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sex, strong guys, cute guys, and love