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You will know later, while you're eating your candy, that somewhere out there is a black cat walking around :}

While black cats have been burdened with the superstition that they're bad luck, I am aware of no correlation between black cats and Halloween except that, as bad luck sympols are scary, and Halloween is scary, black cats are associated with Halloween.

However, there is no correlation between cats of any color and luck of any kind.

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Q: Will happen if you see a black cat on Halloween?
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What is good luck to see what on Halloween?

A black - cat

What superstitions are associated with Halloween?

Lighting a candle inside a carved pumpkin, or jack-o-lantern, was believed to keep away the evil spirits that came out on Halloween night. It was also believed that letting a fire die on Halloween would bring bad luck. Another superstition was that people who were born on Halloween could see, talk and interact with spirits.

Why is it unluckey to see a black cat?

some people think that the black cat is some sort of witch, either that or it reperesents a witch

Could you see a white cat in pitch black?

No because in order to see anything light has to be reflected off of it. If it is pitch black no light is there to be reflected off the white cat.

What does it mean when a black cat crosses the street?

Nothing, Really. It's Just a Superstition that black cats are bad luck. I have lived with black cats practically all of my life, and see them all of the time. But nothing happens to me! No one should be scared of a black cat crossing their path.. It won't hurt you!

Who is the man in black in Halloween 4?

the Man in Black was not in Halloween 4 but in #5 and the Man in Black who helps Michael get out of jail was Dr.Terence Wynn u may had seen him in the frist flim the one who told Loomis that cant drive a car u will see him again in #6 Halloween The Curse of Michael Myers

Can you see a white cat in pitch black?

Emphatically yes.

When you see an imaginary black cat?

Cry to god for help.

What can black lights make you see?

cat pee and scorpions glow under black lights, but i dont know what you can see with black lights.hope i helped=]

What does the bible say about black cats?

Is that you should sacrifice a black cat to god if you see one.

How can I attract cats in cat cafe?

Black cat roll on Bed white cat see and said you look beautiful :P

What is the black cat for on poptropica?

The black cat on Spy Island is just decorative and not part of the game. The gray cat, Whiskers, on 24 carrot island, can get you a crowbar. (see related question)