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Yes. Americans can download it via iTunes. You can also probably find it online, wait for the DVDs, or wait until it airs on Demand on certain cable companies.

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Q: Will it be possible for Americans who don't have BBC America to watch Doctor Who S6?
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Where can Americans watch episodes of Doctor Who online?


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Can you watch new episodes of Doctor Who online for free in america?

The sad truth is, no... The BBC iplayer is region locked to the UK, and that is the only legal way to watch that I know of online.

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I'll assume you mean the 2008 Christmas Special 'The Next Doctor'. Well, the early broadcasts have already been seen and could appear at any point presumably on BBC3, regarding you are British. However if you're American, the first broadcats will be on 27th June 2009 on BBC America. But to be pedantic you asked ME WHERE I watch it. I usually watch it in my second lounge.

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