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Q: Will loperamide cross the blood brain barrier if it is injected directly into the blood stream?
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What will happen if an oligosaccharide like sucrose is directly injected into the blood stream?

The pancreas will produce a lot of insulin. But this procedure in not advisable. Sucrose can be ingested orally.

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The cell will shrinks as the fluid inside the cell will flow out due to osmosis.

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probabily not

Can anything be injected to the blood stream?

if it is liquid then yes ( but dont try to)

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What is the barrier reefs deepest point?

it is a stream 1cm deep

Why do people inject heroin into themselves Is there a feel to it or something?

You're kidding right? Any drug that can be injected will get directly in the blood stream which means the resulting high is immediate and you're not waiting for your body to absorb the drug.

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They are injected in the blood stream to deliver medications or fixing your ailments in the body.

What happens if semen mixes with blood?

Well, if it were possible, it would kill you. The only way this could possibly occur is if it were directly PUT (injected) into the blood stream. Inside of a man, excess sperm is easily absorbed into the system because it is basically a protein. When a woman is impregnated, the excess is simply absorbed by the system. In the blood stream, it would be seen by the system as a foreign matter and would probably cause instantaneous death, just as water, air, etc injected into the blood stream.

Is a vaccine injected to the skin?

No, vaccines are not injected into the skin. Most vaccines are administered through injection into the muscle or subcutaneous tissue (under the skin). Some vaccines are also given orally or nasally.

Alcohol gets to the brain through?

The blood-brain barrier, via the blood stream.

Which ocean current directly warms western Europe?

The gulf stream