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Yes, they will fight together, exept if they are put in separate homes

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Q: Will male crested gecko fight with a male gargoyle geckos?
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What are all the gecko breeds?

* Leopard geckos * Crested Geckos * White Lined Geckos (Skunk Geckos) * Fat-Tailed Geckos * House Geckos * Tokay Geckos * Golden Geckos * Madagascar Ground Geckos * Day Geckos

What is better a crested gecko or a golden gecko?

Crested Gecko. Golden Geckos are much faster and don't like being held. Get a crested gecko.

How much is a gecko from a pet store?

Depending on the gecko species will determine the price of the animal. More common species are usually sold at a lower value such as the: house gecko, turner gecko, golden gecko, tokay gecko, skunk gecko. Other species such as crested geckos, leopard geckos and gargoyle geckos can range from $60 - $500. There are even "sought out" or "desired" species of gecko than can range upwards of $1000-$4000 this could include: Leachianous geckos, Green geckos, Chaoua geckos.

What is gecco?

Assuming you mean gecko, its a lizard. Google them, there is the Leopard Gecko, Crested Gecko, and the Gargoyle Gecko, just to get you started

Can you house a crested gecko with a helmeted gecko?

no, crested geckos are solitary animal they will kill and might eat the other animal

What type of lizard is good for a 7 year old girl?

I would suggest you get a leopard gecko or a crested gecko as your first lizard pet. Both are low maintenance reptiles that have fairly good temperaments. They don't grow very large and don't require a big cage either. However, keep in mind that these lizards live for a very long time and require your time and dedication to live their entire life-spans.other good first pet- gargoyle gecko (care requirements are similar to those of a crested gecko)- bearded dragon (great first pet if you can provide a large enclosure and the proper diet)-geckos of the rhacodactylus genus (these geckos are great first lizard pets! The crested gecko and the gargoyle gecko are members of this genus. Other members of this genus include: leachianus, rough snouted, chaoua, sasorinum geckos. However, these geckos (with the exception of crested and gargoyle geckos) often command a hefty price.

Can a giant day gecko live with a crested gecko?

no crested geckos are solitary animal's, and will kill and might eat the other animal.

How much day gecko food do you feed a crested gecko?

You do not feed your crested gecko Day gecko diet. The diet your speaking of Is produced by Repashy or T-Rexx, both of these manufacturer's create a Meal replacement powder designed specifically for crested geckos. Crested gecko diet.

What type of gecko do you have?

I have a Gargoyle Gecko, I highly suggest them they make great pets and can be cared for the same way as the crested gecko jsut these are bigger and cooler looking!

Are crested geckos good with other lizards?

Crested geckos are solitary creatures, as with most gecko species. They will only interact with one of the same species during breeding season. Males will seek out females and copulate then leave and carry on, seeking another mate. If two males confront one another, they will fight for rights to breed and territory. Other species of lizards as well as other gecko species, should not be housed with crested geckos.

Do crested geckos?

Cretsed Geckos will shed their skin about two or three times a year. Sometimes, the gecko will eat its skin!

Can you put a gargoyle gecko and a blue dumpy tree frog in a cage together?

No, they are from different places and can give each other diseases. Also gargoyle geckos need to live ALONE, they shouldn't even live with other gargoyle geckos. They will kill the frog.