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Medicare will pay for it if it is "medically necessary", such as rashes, back discomfort etc. Get on your local obesity help webite OBESITYHELP.COM and open the link to plastic surgeons or just ask a question from the board in your state and get answers and referals to surgeons who accept medicare.I have had both Gastric Bypass, and (as of date) one surgery (an abdominalplasty) to remove excess skin. Unlike many bypass patients my weightloss was VERY slow. In addition I was under 30 years old. I drank a lot and followed instrunctions carefully. Despite all of these "anti skin sagging" busters I have much excess skin - EVERYWHERE. I also have medicare.

I found that Medicare will pay for surgeries to remove skin. You HAVE to make sure that you get a surgeon who is willing and knows how to deal with Medicare. It is not an easy process and it can be a long process. I was lucky enough to have a surgeon who performed the first (of what will have to be many) surgery while we fought. Medicare approved (tentetively) at first. We were informed that only ONE proceedure at a time could be done i.e stomach, thighs, etc. and that all the billing codes must be perfect. After the surgery they denied the claim however. We had to appeal and finally won. It is not easy BUT it can be done and is being done more and more everyday.

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Q: Will medicare pay for excess skin removal after gastric bypass surgery?
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Medicare pays for gastric bypass surgery only if it is deemed medically necessary.

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The websites the could help you find medicare bypass surgery is at the website of "". This website give you all the information you need for the surgery.

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To learn more about medicare and the gastric bypass surgery, please visit the following link that will show you all the information that you need to know:

What is medicare gastric bypass ?

Medicare is a type of insurance that may pay for a gastric bypass. It is not the name of a specific bypass procedure. The gastric bypass can improve your health if you have aggravated obesity.

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You can find out more about it here: Be sure to check with your doctor to see if it is right for you.

Where can I find info on gastric bypass insurance online?

Only some people's bariatric surgery will be covered by medicare. First you have to prove that you are in danger because of your weight and that you have tried more traditional, less invasive methods to lose weight. This article goes deeper into the requirements for medicare to pay for gastric bypass.

Where is there information on the Internet about dieting after gastric bypass surgery?

You can find information about dieting after gastric bypass surgery here: and

Where can I found out about gastric bypass and pregnancy?

If you have had gastric bypass surgery and become pregnant, your doctor will closely monitor you. Detailed information about gastric bypass surgery and pregnancy is available at:

Where can I go to get information for what to do before getting a gastric bypass surgery?

You can get information about what to do before getting a gastric bypass surgery from a local gastric bypass surgerical center. Ask them about information about this.

Where can I find out more about gastric bypass surgery insurance?

Gastric bypass surgery inruance information can be obtained from your local doctor, pysichian, or even your gastric bypass representative to help you.

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You can find out information about the gastric band versus the gastric bypass surgery on or

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