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I am a little afraid to answer your question.

If you are a prescribing doctor and you should know the reasons for using this medication.

If you are looking through the medicine cabinet in a desperate search for something to help your tooth ache not caring if it was prescribed to you or someone else then while your questions makes sense....this is dangerous territory.

If you have tooth pain it is most likely the result of decay that has infected the tooth. Antibiotics will not cure decay or tooth pain. If you have a chronic infection of the jawbone as a result of decay killing your tooth...then antibiotics are used IN CONCERT with dental treatment, NOT ALONE.

The use of antibiotics alone to treat a dental condition does nothing to fix the CAUSE of the infection...the tooth.

In addition, antibiotics take TIME to take effect, usually 2 to 3 days. So taking antibiotics to relieve pain is never a good idea.

My advice is to go and see your dentist. Let them diagnosis your condition, perform treatment THEN write the appropriate prescriptions. answer...NO antibiotic treats tooth pain.....

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These resources will help you learn all you need to know about tooth pain.

What to do in case of emergency tooth pain?

In case you are suffering from unbearable tooth pain, emergency tooth extraction at the dental hospital can help. You can get the dentist consultation easily at the emergency clinic at any time. They are quite helpful when you are in pain. @charlestonoralandfacialsurgery

Will penicillin v help wisdom tooth pain?

Yes it helps fight inflamation of the gums which can be the cause of the pain

When can you get rid of the pain of an erupting wisdom tooth?

TYLENOL! Tylenol will help ease the pain if it still has pain after the Tylenol then i recommend seeing the doctor asap!

What is dental pain?

Tooth pain.

What OTC medications help with wisdom tooth pain?

try worked very well for my siblings and me.!!

How do you pull out a tooth?

Without pain: if you want to pull out a loose tooth with no pain, this is what you do. Wiggle your tooth back and forth and up and down. If it doesn't come out then, take a Kleenex and put the Kleenex over your tooth. Pinch your tooth really hard and pull it out. It wont hurt.With pain: if you want to pull a loose tooth out with pain (if you don't really mind), this is what you do. Wiggle your tooth for about 10 minutes. Take some pliers and pinch the tooth. Gently pull out the tooth. It usually doesn't hurt. This is the classic tooth-pulling strategy.I hope you guys get your money from the Tooth Fairy! *wink* Bah-bye, now!

Is it possible to have other tooth pain after having a tooth extraction?

Yes, sometimes it happens. Teeth pain is never isolated. However, if the pain is too intense, it can be that a nerve end is exposed. Gargle with lukewarm saltwater to help alleviate the pain. If there is swelling on other parts of your mouth, you should consult your dentist.

What essential oils can help tooth pain?

Clove oil (Syzygium aromaticum ) may be rubbed on sensitive gums to numb them or added to a small cotton pellet that is then placed into or over a hole in the tooth. The herb corydalis (Corydalis yanhusuo ) may also help relieve toothache pain

What could be wrong if you have jaw pain and some ear pain but no tooth pain?

It could very well be a wisdom tooth trying to cut. When a wisdom tooth begins to cut, it can move several teeth in the process and cause some jaw pain. The ear pain could be drainage if a wisdom tooth is cutting. A few painkillers are your best bet to help the pain, or you could opt to have the wisdom teeth removed surgically. It could also be a sinus infection or infection in a root tooth. A dentist's x-ray is the best plan.

What is dentals?

Tooth pain.

Does the pain medicine help stop the bleeding after a tooth pull?

My mom is an RDA so I know this one! No, it does not :( no. pain medication is exactly that. pain medication. you need a coagulant or just shove cotton in it