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I don't know myself but if you type in "ways to entertain a dwarf hamster" on Google and click on the second website. This website is really good and will explain everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!though just as a rule dont touch the babies for two weeks and only go in the cage to change the food and water. The mother will take perfect care of those teeny weeny babies!!!!!!!!!!

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unfortunately it's likely...leave her and the babies where they are for several weeks, just offering food and water. If the cage is in a noisy area, move it to a quieter place--but do not go into the cage. If there is another adult hamster in there, remove it ASAP.

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Q: Will mother hamster nip at their babies when they need to move out of the cage?
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How a hamster has a baby?

move the male in the females cage and they will have sex and have babies

Can you have a another female hamster with a pregnant hamster in the same cage?

no i would move them out the hamsters could get in a fight or eat the others babies

Is it normal for a mother hamster to move half of her babies to another nest and leave them?

Yes, its normal for her to do that.

If a mouse with babies cage is too small How can you give it food and water?

If the cage is too small to put food and water in, you need to get a larger cage. Depending on the age of the babies it might be too stressful to move them right now. You don't want to stress out the mother or she may kill her babies.

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Once the babies are born, allow the mother at least 3 days alone with them, without being disturbed. This allows mum to become familiar with the babies. Then, providing mum doesn't mind you coming near the babies, you should move all the babies & the entire nest into a new cage at once. Make sure to place some old bedding in the new cage, so as to lessen the chances mum will reject the babies.

Why does a mother hamster move half of her babies?

The mother hamster will kill the babies for their safety. It sounds strange, but if you disturb or touch the pups, the mother will think they are "infected" and will kill and actually eat the disturbed pup. Just make sure you don't touch the pups until they are old enough so the mother won't kill them.

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To know how to move in it's cage or find it's way around it's cage or to help it move with it's body. Is that right ??

Can a full grown rat fit into a hamster cage?

No. Hamster rat cage don't have enough space to pet rats. You can use Midwest Critter Nation rat cage. It has plenty of space to play and move around. You can check the reviews here- bestratpoisons. com/rat-cage-for-2-rats

Is a 2 year old hamster to old to move cage?

no because i have a 3 year old hamster named zoey and she moves really good

Can a rabbit be left with the male when she is pregnant?

No because once the female has her baby or babies the male will kill them so the best thing to do is move the male to a different cage and do not touch the mother wile she is pregnant you could harm the babies.

Can you clean a hamster cage while am pregnant?

DO NOT move the hamster if she is very pregnant, and DO NOT touch the newborn pupies, or else something bad will hapen to them. also DO move the dad away from the mom and put him in a different cage because he will try to kill the newborns.