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They might if their the same gender. U can tell the diffrence because boys have horn kind of.

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Q: Will my 2 goldfish eat each other if i keep them in the same tank and their the same size?
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Can keep goldfish and other fish in same tank?

Rule of thumb is to not mix tropical fish and goldfish.

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The same way you convert goldfish to Volkswagons. The hav nothing to do with each other!

How do you spawn ryukin goldfish?

The same way you spawn any other goldfish.

Should goldfish be kept with other fish?

depends on the kind of fish ;; the fish kept with your goldfish shouldn't not be likely to eat goldfish ;; you can keep female beta fish with other fish just not males becuase they are preditorial

What happens if two female goldfish are in the same tank?

umm it sort of depends they could fight each other or nothing could happen

How often should you feed a black moor goldfish?

You feed it the same amount as any other goldfish which is whatever it can eat in five minutes once a day. Be sure to remove any uneaten food you can to keep the water clean.

What do white goldfish eat?

It will eat the same food as any other goldfish. Its' colour is immaterial when it comes to diet.

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They wear the same color

How many rabbits is it best to keep?

Two is the best to keep but they have to be the same gender. It is best to keep two rabbits so they can clean each other and they can play with each other and so they can stay together when there is danger. It is best to have two rabbits from the same family.

What species are related to fantail goldfish?

It is a goldfish with a big tail that looks like a fan?

Can you keep a muscle in the same tank as a goldfish?

Yes you can and they will also do a bit of water filtering for you too.

Can zebra fish live with goldfish?

yes i have a guppie and 3 goldfish in the same tank :)