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No, it may get a little sick but most likely not. My dog ate a BIG bar of fudge off the counter and she didn't even get sick.

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Q: Will my dog die if they eat half of a chocolate cookie?
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Will one chocolate cookie hurt a dog?

No it should not hurt your dog. Like any other mammal dogs can be allergic to things and chocolate is one of the things known to make a canine react. The amount of actual chocolate in a cookie in small and your dog will be fine. But don't give your dog any more chocolate. You don't know how much it will take to cause your dog serious harm.

What food does make dog die?

Well, chocolate makes dogs die.

Can dog die from chocolate?

They can be very ill and sometimes do die if fed ordinary chocolate.

Why does a dog get Sick Or Die when It eats a Cookie?

ORIGINAL:dogs get sick or die when they eat a cookie because theyr alergic to themIMPROVEMENT:Unless it's an awful big cookie pumped full of real chocolate, dogs don't get sick or die when they eat cookies. My pitbull, in fact, loves peanut-butter cookies. The problem with giving a dog any kind of sweet generally has to do with the presence of cocoa or cocoa products.Cocoa, and by extension chocolate and treats made with chocolate, usually has high levels of theobromine, which dogs have a hard time metabolizing. This means that it's easy for dogs to overdose on theobromine and suffer some very nasty side-effects, sometimes including death.However, many cookies today are made not with chocolate, but with "chocolate-flavoring", and are much less likely to do any damage to a dog. Pet bakeries have also discovered numerous ways to make dog-safe chocolate treats, meaning even chocolate-chunk cookies can still be an option for a dog, so long as they're bought at the right place.As a general rule of thumb, never feed a dog something you're not 100% sure is safe for them.

Can a pikineise dog die from eating one Oreo cookie?

Most likely no. If you are worried because Oreos contain chocolate then chill because although chocolate is poison to dogs they have to eat it in large amounts before it will have any effect on them. I once caught my cavalier king Charles eating half a packet of Tim tams. Didn't hurt her at all. Hope this was helpful :)

Can a dog die for eating a fry?

No not really, But what kills a dog is Chocolate

What is the best name for a webkinz brown dog?

Brownie, Cookie, Cookiedough, Coco, Coca, Java, Hotcoca, Chocolate, and Hersey.

Can eating chocolate cookie harm an English bulldog?

Chocolate is not good for any dog. Small amounts don't do much damage, but your English bulldog could still get sick from it.

How sick can a dog get after they eat a chocolate cookie?

Well, it depends on the animal itself. If the animal was rotted, it could be infected, and harm your dog. If that is the case you should take it to the vet right away. Also, if the animal had an infection before its death, the infection could pass into your dog, so going to the vet would be good in this case as well. Their is also the scenario that the animal's carcass was harmless, and your dog will only have digestive pains for about a week. Since you don't know for certain the situation, it would be a good pre-caution to go to the vet either way, to stay on the safe side.

What if your dog licked chocolate?

I think they can get really sick or die

Does chocolate cause a dog to die?

Yes, chocolate contains an ingredient that is poisonous to dogs and other animals.

Can a Chinese Chow Chow dog die from chocolate?

I would think so, chocolate is toxic to dogs.