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we are just now incubating the eggs to try and find out because we can't get an answer if it can be done.

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Q: Will peacock and chicken copulation result in any live babies from mix breeding?
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Why doesn't the female peacock have colorful feathers like the male?

In most animals, the male has no use other than to attract a female for breeding and having babies. The peacock is therefore very attract-ive. The peahen, on the other hand, makes the nests, and is responsible for the protection of the babies as they grow . . . if she were brightly-colored, she would attract predators who would try to eat her and the babies. That wouldn't be good!

What is procreational sex?

Sexual contact, copulation, that has the specific purpose of and results in reproduction (babies).

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Can the dad of the babies mate with the babies?

No this is called in-breeding and it will cause premature babies and they will not live

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When will my rabbit have her babies?

31 days after breeding

How does a peacocks raise its babies?

By giving them food, shelter, and help protect their babies

About when do rabbits have their babies?

At thirty days after breeding. They usually have them at night when it is quiet.

How is a gerbil made?

gerbils are made by the breeding like how babies are made

What do you think breeding grounds are?

a place where animals breed and produce their babies.

How do you get dog breeding rights?

You should go to the animal shelter for a breeding license so you can make beautiful babies.

If your mother is a turkey and your father is a chicken than what are you?

It is not possible for a turkey and a chicken to have babies, they are different species.