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Q: Will piranhas attack every time a person is in the water?
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Do piranhas attack humans?

no piranhas do not attack people they just eat the meat

Are pirhannas more dangerous than sharkes?

both can be as dangerous as they attack when they smell blood in the water. However as piranhas hunt in groups of up to 20 i believe piranhas are more dangerous.

Why piranhas attack people?

Piranhas do not just attack people for no reason. They may go into a feeding frenzy at the smell of blood and they will attack if they sense frenzied movement like that of a fledgling bird falling into the water. Really they, like many animals, can find much easier prey than humans so attacks on humans are rare although they do occasionally happen when water levels are low.

Why do piranhas live in salt water?

They don't. Piranhas live in rivers, fresh water.

How do you save piranhas from exstintion?

we can make the water hotter for piranhas.

Can a piranha kill a shark?

A shark COULD eat a parinha, but Paranha are fresh water fish, and alas, shark are salt water.Generally, no. Piranhas are fresh water fish, and most shark species don't tolerate fresh water well.

When do piranhas attack?

Piranhas do not just attack people for no reason. They may go into a feeding frenzy at the smell of blood and they will attack if they sense frenzied movement like that of a fledgling bird falling into the water. Really they, like many animals, can find much easier prey than humans so attacks on humans are rare although they do occasionally happen when water levels are low.

Are piranhas a threat to humans?

Only if the humans insist on being in the water where the piranhas are.

How do piranhas get water?

They live in the water and drink from it

Do piranhas live the oceans?

No, piranhas are a fresh water fish, native to the Amazon basin.

Will a whale eat a piranhas?

Piranhas live in fresh water, and Orcas live in salt water; It is highly unlikely that they will ever meet in the wild. See related question to see what does eat piranhas..

Why are piranhas dangerous?

The piranhas will kill and eat any animal alive in water in large groups.