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It all depends on who you are, sometimes its first and sometimes its not but it's not last because you have your wet dream (male) or period (female) for a while.

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Q: Will pubic hair be the last step in hair growth for puberty?
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You have been going through puberty the last 2 years and everything has happened except your private area growing why is that?

Puberty starts with pubic hair growth and then hormones and genitalia grows some people i know started puberty at 11 but did not grow down below until 16.

What is the latest men go through puberty?

Puberty in men is when first your voice deepens and you grow pubic hair and armpit hair then you might get more pimples and your testes drop and last your shoulders widen and your muscle mass increases.

What are the sign of puberty?

Well there are many signs of puberty. But for a male, most likely you will begin having what they call wet dreams. Which is when you ejaculate in your sleep. You ll begin to come erect sporadically and may get acne or hair on your private areas, (including facial hair)Between 11 and 18 for most people. For boys: If you are having facial hair, Pubic hair, getting erections, maybe a few pimples, gotten taller in the last year, you have been in puberty,For Girls: Pubic hair, Breast development, menstrual cycle started, voice changes, more interest and curiosity about sex.If you are in the age range and haven't experienced any of those you are stunted & should see a good Dr for an evaluation

Can marijuana show up in pubic hair?

Yes it can be detected through pubic hair. It can last up to one year in the pubic hair because this hair grows slower than the hair that is on your head. If the hair was being tested on the head it can be traced up to 90 days.

Can girls cut pubic hair?

First of all it helps to keep the vagina clean and mostly during periods, most men prefer having intercourse with a woman who has shaved pubic hair, it is considered sexy by the woman herself and/or her partner, it helps to keep the pubic area dry either from sweating and last but not least; for some women the pubic hair can make the vagina sore during friction and/or hair pulling during sex.

Is getting your period the last step through puberty?

It is the midway step. The last step cannot be defined. its when the growth stops.

I am 14 and your breasts are really small like a 32A and you get made fun of i just got your period in the last month will your breasts grow faster now that you have your period?

Yes they will eventually get bigger. Since you have now had your period that means you are going through puberty. When you go through puberty you can now have babies your breast will get larger and u will get pubic hair

I am 15 and have really greasy hair but i never last year can anyone explain why isuddenly have really greasy hair?


Can a girl get pregnant before she has her 1st menstrual cycle?

In theory, yes. The time at which a female is capable of reproduction is at puberty. Puberty can last from 1.5 to 6 years, and is not marked by the onset of menstruation. It is marked by the onset of secondary sexual characteristics, like breast development and pubic hair, among other things like growth spurt and weight changes. However, initially in puberty and menstruation it is most likely that the cycles are anovulatory (no egg is released) for the first 12 - 18 mo. so it is unlikely pregnancy will occur, but that IS NOT the case for everyone. Being that is unknown when ovulation will actually occur, contraception is very important.

You turned 13 last week and have started to grow pubic hair how big should your penis be?

About 5inches plus when hard

Why is menarche an indication of puberty for girls?

I'm not really sure what you're asking. Menarche, or a girl's first period/first menstrual cycle, can only occur during puberty, is a part of puberty, and by definition is generally considered to be one of or the LAST change the occurs in puberty for girls. Other changes such as growth spurts, changes in breast tissue that progresses to the development of breasts, hair growth in new places (e.g. underarms, pubic hair), and all the changes that are occurring in less obvious ways (changes in the brain, hormone levels, etc) all usually happen prior to or at least start before menarche (in normal, healthy girls). If you are really asking perhaps "why it is considered the culmination of puberty in girls", then the above is your answer (it happens last, or close to last). But if you did indeed mean the question exactly as written, I suppose the real answer is "It's not an indication of puberty for girls." It would simply be a definition, I suppose - menarche merely means a girl, who is currently going through puberty, has experienced another change that happens during that time. So many other changes will happen first, like I explained above, so menarche is not used as an "indication" as far as I know. It's kind of like asking "why is gaining 10 pounds an indication of increasing weight?" Menarche is simply a part of puberty, just like gaining 10 pounds is a part of increasing weight.

Does Percy Jackson have pubic hair?

No, sorry. Grover does though. And I think Annabeth has curly hair too.