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Yes. The greenhouse gases produced by the factories enables global warming to occur

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Q: Will reducing the number of cars on the road help the environment?
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Related questions

How does reducing resources help the environment?

Reducing energy can help prevent fossil fuels which really helps the environment!

How will reducing the number of cars per person in the US help reduce air pollution?

Cars and other vehicles are a substantial contributor of air pollutants, more than 50% in the US, so reducing the number of vehicles on the road would grealty improve air quality.

Do cars help the environment?

No they harm it.

Why is reducing wasted energy so important?

To help the environment

How do hybrid cars help the environment?

They have a negative impact on the environment, but do save about 10% on fuel costs over similar sized vehicles. They pollution created during their construction and the earlier scaping outweigh their fuel economy. They help in reducing foreign oil dependence.

How can exercise can positively affect your environment health?

It can help by reducing your carbon footprint

Help reduce your impact on the environment?

one reason they can help is by reducing another is to reuse and the last is to recycle

How do hybrid cars help people and the environment?

They let off fewer emissions into the environment.

How do hybrid cars help your environment?

They really do not help the environment. They may even be worse for the environment then conventional cars. They do save some fuel though. Helping reduce the dependence on forgeign oil is a good thing.

How does reducing food miles help the environment?

Because less Co2 emissions are created

What can you do to help the environment about petrol?

Stop using petrol cars and start using electric cars!

How are hybrid cars made?

It is made out of plastic so you can produce it and help the environment. Plastic is bad for the environment.