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To help the environment

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Q: Why is reducing wasted energy so important?
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How is energy not wasted?

Energy is wasted through activity so I guess not doing anything would not waste energy but it is hard to not waste any energy at all

What fraction of the energy you use is wasted?

All of it. I consume energy to make a living, I create things, I answer questions on this site and so what? Around 4.5 billion years from now, the whole earth will be consumed inside the sun and nothing that I did (or did not do) will change that. So, in the long term, all of the energy I consume is wasted.

What is essential is invisible to the eye?

it is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important

What does it means that a of energy might take more energy to harness that it provide?

It means that we would get less energy out of that source than we put into it, so the net result is wasted energy.

Why is wind energy so important?

Energy is so important because if we didnt have energy we all could die

What does it mean that a form of energy might take more energy to harness than it provides?

It means that we would get less energy out of that source than we put into it, so the net result is wasted energy.

Does a snowboard have useful and wasted energy?

yes it does, it has wood which is from trees so you can use it again and foam which is from foamy stuff so you can use that too.

Should an energy transfer produce more energy less energy or will it stay the same?

Remember . . . energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So, the energy transformation will result in the energy amount staying the same. Of course, some of the energy may be wasted in the form of heat, light, and so on.

Reducing activation energy does what?

This speeds up the chemical reaction. Enzymes and (other) catalysts do so.

Why should the filament of bulbs be thermally isolated?

Energy, in the form of electricity, causes the filament to heat up and give off light. Any energy which the filament loses by heating the bulb does not create light, and so is wasted. Thermal isolation minimizes the heat loss of the filament, and therefore reduces wasted energy.

What is the effect of CFLs on global warming?

They don't prevent global warming, they play a small part in reducing global warming. Energy efficient lightbulbs need less energy to produce the same amount of light, as older bulbs also produced heat, which was wasted. Any way of using less energy is useful, especially if everyone does it.

Why are sheep so inefficient at converting grass to meat?

They don't turn grass into meat!! They turn it into ENERGY by eating it. _________________________ The energy is wasted in execration, respiration etc. Not all the energy is consumed as biomass on the sheep.