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A male and female boxer will try to mate with their own puppies once the puppies go into heat.

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Q: Will the boxer dog try to mate with his own puppies or will the mum not allow it or will the mum try as well?
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Related questions

How many puppys does a 1 year boxer dog have?

My Boxer had 10 puppies two weeks ago. it was her first litter, but that is uncommon. you should take her to the vet and have them do an ultra sound and an exray to count the puppies. The cost is nominal, but it is best to make sure you know how many there are, because a first time mommy can stop delivering with a baby still inside.

What books are available for advice on training puppies?

There are many good books about training puppies, in particular, "The Everything Boxer Book: A Complete Guide to Raising, Training, and Caring for Your Boxer" by Karla Spitzer is a great choice. There are many others specifically for the Boxer as well as many for dogs in general such as "The Sit Down Come Heel Stay and Stand Book: A Step-By-Step Dog Training Achievement Book" by Claire Arrowsmith.

Do puppies like 2 be by them selfs?

Well depends, are you a fine good looking person? cause if you are then they will love you, but if not then better like next time mate...

Is it a good to allow your male rabbit to mate?

well it can but not if your female is pregnant coz the female wouldn't want to mate nd she would atack the male so if your female is pregnant separate them

How can you tell your Nintendogs have a puppy?

Well you see,im only ten years old and um the Nintendo dogs cannot mate,otherwise have sex together so they will never have puppies sorry

What kind of problems can occur with sibling dogs mating?

Well... its just desgusting!!!!! EWWW! why would you want a brother and sister dog to mate! Its just like humans! JUST WRONG! on every level! just dont! if the dogs do mate, if the female were to have puppies they would have birth defects.

Which one German Shepherd Siberian Husky Boxer By the way I want puppies because i'm only ten just thinking of the future?

Which dog you choose will depend on the one that fits in with your lifestyle. Since you are only ten and thinking of the future, you have plenty of time to decide. Read about each of the three breeds of puppies to help you decide. Personally, I like all three of the breeds. I would probably choose the boxer, though I do like the German Shepherd and Siberian husky as well.

What do puppies do?

well, puppies can "do" a lot of things. like sleep, play with toys, eat, go to he bathroom. that is generaly what puppies do.

How do Christopher's mate?

Well christopher mate is a trophy!

Are boxer dog's eyes always brown?

Well when they're puppies and they've only just opened their eyes, you'd never believe it but they actually have blue eyes at that point and then they magically change brown once they're fully open

How many puppy's in a Bichon litter?

well they say 4-5 puppies in a litter but i cant believe that cause these puppies are really small well my Bichon Frise had her first litter and there was 6 puppies BTW they where all girls

Which is better for a companion a boxer girl or a boxer boy dog?

Which is a better companion between a boxer girl dog and a boxer boy dog depends on how well you bond with each. Boxers are wonderful dogs with giant and sweet personalities.