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Q: Will the food pipe connects to the small intestine?
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Which is the longest part of food-pipe?

i think small intestine

What are the similarities between the small intestine and the large intestine?

* Part of digestive system * intestines * absorb (small=nutrients large=water)

Is large intestine is the longest food pipe?


Size shape color of the small intestine?

The pancreas looks similar to one arm of a starfish.

How does food become feces?

The food goes into your mouth and gets mushed up by your tongue and teeth. Then it goes down a big long pipe into your small intestine. The enzymes in the intestine break up the larger parts of the food that your mouth couldn't do. All of the small pieces of food go through the holes inside the wall of your intestine and into your blood pipe and around your body in your blood. The bits that can't fit through the holes get moved into your large intestine and get mushed together. After that the water gets sucked out of the food and the food comes out of your anus as feaces/poo.

How does the digestive system travel?

digestive system travels from our mouth,then oesophagus(food pipe) then stomach then small intestine then large intestine,ending at the rectum and then is thrown out by anus.It is also known as dijestive track.

What is an analogy for the large intestine?

A small road leading into a main highway.

What organs are involved in the gastrointestinal tract?

Digestion starts in the mouth and continues in the stomach. The small intestine completes the digestion process.

Which digestive organ has peristaltic contractions that empty food into the stomach?

You are thinking of the esophagus, the food pipe that connects the mouth to the stomach.

What is the role of the digestive system and where does digestion start be thorough in your explanation?

the digestive system digests your food,and sends the waste down through your anus.the digestion starts by passing through the food pipe , going in the large intestine,then the small intestine,and finally the waste comes out through the anus. thank u!

What is the path food takes through the digestive system?

Starts with the mouth. Mastication (chewing) takes place. The teeth help with the mastication. The tongue pushes food down the throat. Salivary glands help break down the food. Pepsin breaks down the protein. Degluition (swallowing) takes place. Food goes down the pharynx, or throat. Goes down the esophagus, where peristalsis takes place. The cardiac sphincter released the food down to the stomach. Passes the appendix on thw way. Hydrochloric Acid is in the stomach. Pyloric sphincter released it down to the small intestine. LiverMouth Stomach Small intestine BloodThe gastrointestinal tract, assuming you do it right.the process in which food travels through the body is first the mouth in the mouth the food will be chewed into little tiny peices. then thriiugh the thriat

Which food pipe runs from the mouth to the stomach?

Esophagus or Gullet. ya dumb shyteEsophagusEsophagus