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This is said to work for some people. I would be skeptical and not have a surgery that was not thought out thoroughly.

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Q: Will the removal of tonsils and adnoids help with sleep apena?
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6 Name a common risk factor of both diabetes and sleep apnea?

a common risk factor for both diabetes and sleep apnea is being overweight. That is for type 2 diabetes and osa that is not caused by tonsils, uvula, deviated septum, or adnoids.

What is sleep apena?

Involves frequent, reflexive gasping for air that awakens a person and disrupts sleep.

What is apena?

Involves frequent, reflexive gasping for air that awakens a person and disrupts sleep.

How do they put you to sleep to remove tonsils?

The removal of the adenoids involves a bit of cutting in the back of the throat. See the link below.

Is asthma considered a preexisting condition?

It depends on what is causing the sleep apnea. It is preexisting if it is caused by tonsils, adnoids, or an elongated uvula. It is not preexisting if it is caused by being overweight, or possibly by a deviated septum.

Can you use demineralized in your sleep apena machine they only use distilled water?

Deionized water can be used in place of distilled.

What surgery is used to treat sleep disorders?

.making a surgical opening into the windpipe (a tracheostomy) for sleep apnea or hypopnea in adults is a treatment of last resort. surgical removal of the tonsils and adenoids is a fairly common and successful treatment.

For what reasons are tonsils removed?

sleep apnea (a condition in which an individual snores loudly and stops breathing temporarily at intervals during sleep); inability to swallow properly because of enlarged tonsils; a breathy voice or other speech abnormality

What type of surgery is performed to treat sleep apnea?

It all depends on what is causing the sleep apnea in the patient. The doctor has to determine what the obstruction is. If the obstruction is caused by tonsils or adnoids then it would be a tonsilectomy. If the obstruction is because of an elongated uvula than the uvula can be shaved. If it is a deviated septum than surgery to repair the nose may be ordered. If it is caused by weight then weightloss will reduce the problem or eliminate it all together.

When you yell at someone when they are a sleep with sleep apena can it cause some dammage?

It could cause damage whether they have sleep apnea or not. They could have a heart attack, or bang their head on something if you startle them.What's more, they will wake up angry and alarmed, so there's a good possibility they will damage you in some way!

Are there any sinus problems related to sleeping. I have been dx with Obstructed Sleep Apnea. I awaken every hour on the hour unable to breath and I find my sinuses are closed. What is happening?

Obstructive Sleep apnea has many causes. A deviated septum can be a cause. Tonsils, adnoids, and elongated uvula can also be causes of sleep apnea. Being over weight is another cause of sleep apnea. A deviated septum is a sinus issue and could be the reason for your OSA. Whatever reason the obstruction is occurring the effect is the same. You will awaken often gasping for air because your airway is being obstructed. To solve this issue you have the option of CPAP therapy or possibly surgery.

Can removing your tonsils cure snoring?

Yes, it will definitely help you to cure snoring. Enlarged tonsils are a common cause of snoring. The tonsils are clusters of lymphoid tissue in the back of the throat. Removal of enlarged tonsils is the excellent resolution of snoring. Before that you can also try anti snoring spray to cure snoring. Asonor is the world leading brand within anti snoring medicines helping you to get rid of snoring and gain comfortable sleep.