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You will only get Aveolitis (dry socket) after having a tooth or teeth avulsed (removed) if you do not follow the Dentists' orders for post op procedure....the body has to form natural blood clots to prevent this. The most important thing you can do is avoid sweating believe it or not. Avoid straw sucking, fizzy beverages, etc at least for a twelve hour period. This will ensure the forming of your clots correctly. (H.Williams, Ceritified Dental Assitant, CDA)

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Q: Will you get a dry socket after having two top teeth removed?
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When can you drink alcohol after having wisdom teeth removed?

Only after the gums have healed. Alcohol causes the place where teeth were removed to dry up,"dry socket", and it can be very painful.

What if you waited 4 days to smoke after having 4 wisdom teeth out can you still get dry socket?

Yes you will get a dry socket you should wait about a week to a week and a half before you smoke

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Yes you can. The Doctors recommend waiting 48 hours AT LEAST. And then when you do decide to smoke, take small hits and put a gauze in over your holes to keep from getting dry socket.

When can youb smoke after having the 2 top wisdom teeth out?

You should probably wait 2 weeks at least otherwise you could get dry socket (which can be caused by smoking).

You have had a tooth removed on monday and the socket is white inside and painful?

you have a dry socket and need to go back to the dentist and get it drilled out

Can you use orajel when having dry socket?

no it delays healing

Is it possible to play basketball after having wisdom teeth removed?

It is, but i highley DO NOT reccomend it. Do not do any type of excersise for about 72 hours. If disobeyed, you can get a dry socket which is VERY PAINFUL. Best of luck on your recovery and always follow the directions the surgern gives you.

How long till you can makeout after you get your wisdom teeth out?

Not until the entire sockets have healed. This is because if your partners saliva has any kind of bacteria inside it and it get's inside of your incisions. This could cause bacteria to form and cause infection. If you are on an antibiotic (which I hope you are after having them removed) then you may want to wait for a few days after words. If you mess up the blood clots forming where the teeth were removed. You will contract Dry Socket. It is no joke.

What percent of extractions cause dry socket?

It depends on who you ask. The literature on dry sockets after wisdom teeth extractions reports a range from 5-20% dry socket occurence. Most experienced oral surgeons will see fewer than 10% dry socket rate after wisdom teeth extractions. The biggest determining factor to risk is experience of the surgeon. Which means that newbies will have more dry sockets than seasoned surgeons.

How does smoking cause dry socket?

sucking the cigarette (like a straw) is what causes the dry socket. just like a straw can cause dry socket, cigarettes basically do the same thing. it is recommended to wait 3-5 days to smoke a cigarette after getting your wisdom teeth pulled.

Why does a dry socket form on the third day following extraction?

you can get dry socket from drinking out of a straw, smoking,spiting or sucking like on ice cream or food off a spoon. When people do this continuously the blood clot will be removed and it will cause severe pain in the mouth. People usually have to be careful about this after a tooth extraction like wisdom teeth is most common.

Can dry socket occur more than a week after having a tooth pulled?

Usually a dry socket will occur when you have had a tooth pulled (wisdom teeth being pulled are notorious for this). A dry socket is when the dentist pulls the tooth and the tissue covering the bone below the gum comes away and the bone is exposed to air. It's extremely painful. If you have a dry socket you would know it. If you are having pain go back to your dentist and if you can't get an appointment right away then go to the ER if you are in a lot of pain. Advil is an excellent over-the-counter pain killer and we use it here in Canada. Even beats Tylenol 3.