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Yes but only when on very high levels of opiates. I stopped my drug vacation (such a pleasant term for being in the thrawls of addiction lol) at a point where I was putting up the nose around 240mg (3 oxy 80's) per day. I had been taking that much for about a week. (The week prior I had taken 160mgs a day by insufflation(nose) for one week before my habit increased by 80mg. And prior to that I had taken about a half of an 80 to maybe a whole one by mouth for a year and a half...the moral of this tangent was that insufflation makes it way harder an increases your tolerance infinately very quickly) Anyway after taking that much for a week I took 2mg of suboxone after 24 hours in withdrawal. I felt quite a bit better but still pretty crummy for maybe four days...two or three of which were very uncomfortable and I was constantly tossing and turning with absolutely no appetite. I would have increased my dosage of the suboxone but I bought them off a friend and not from a doctor and could not afford to buy more so I did my best to space em all out. I would have guessed that 8mg at this time however would have helped me completely.

My former "giver of drugs" (sorry this website wont let me use any other terminology for that person calling it obscinity) and a friend from rehab unfortunately had a tolerance and habit for opiates that sadly far exceeded mine. The "giver of drugs" was up to sometimes 12 Oxycontin 80's per day up the nose mostly, and the friend from outpatient was a bundle a day heroin addict. They had used subs before and didnt watch their intake because they knew they always had that safety net and wouldn't have to deal with withdrawals. Boy were they wrong. At the point they were at they both were beyond what the suboxone could do. Both of them were taking 24mg of suboxone in one hour and still couldn't stop their withdrawals. So for anyone out there that believes that the subs will always be your safety net no matter how bad your addiction gets, be careful because I have seen twice now that this in not the case.

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12y ago
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14y ago

yes you do, no matter what never do this for any reason, plus the suboxone saturates your opiate receptors which would make it impossible to feel ANY effects of taking an opiate after taking suboxone.

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13y ago

No. However, taking any type of opiate 24 hours after taking Suboxone will be pointless because Suboxone will block it. Suboxone does this to prevent the patient from abusing drugs. You may have to wait 48-72 hours until the half-life of Suboxone wears off.

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12y ago

I currently am on day 5 - I have degenerative Arthritis in my foot (joint is gone and sending hormones to kill the bone, too - so I have to live with it. I was on Sub- because I wasn't an abuser. It was a "21 day" program, suggested by my PCP b/c of 9 months of another opiate (which make me crabby) and morphine. Not all at once, but in severe pain from a birth defect of both feet. Other opiates are just now working and yes, I abused Sub B/C I read about snorting it a few months back - I think when you do that, you also have less withdrawal.

I hear, it takes 17 days. There was a post I read from a nurse who took her blood serum to detect the sub with a special test, nowadays, it can be found - but no on a regular drug panel. BC if it were, the pain clinic wouldn't successfully test you for abuse of opiates if sub showed up as an opiate, right?

Day 5 for me was okay and I took it for 5 years! "21 days." I tried kicking at least 3 other times, almost made it, but tapered. This time was cold turkey which helps to know there is no more. I think it's more mental - at least that's what my doc said (he also said "it's not addictive, and then a year later said it was, but didn't know when he put me on it.

I don't care what professionals say - it has indeed rotted my gums and I stopped getting my period at first BC I had zero estrogen - a common complain and never has happened before taking the med.

So, luckily I am now back on regular short acting opiates; and I read an article written by the owner of the clinic, Dr. M - who stated sub was NOT good for chronic pain.

Sorry, so long, but I want you to know cold turkey is the way to go! 17 days goes by quickly and it's not as bad as regular opiates, but the withdrawal definitely lasts longer.

You can use my username at gmail if you need support! You will be stronger after the first 3-5 days, and maybe sooner if you were not taking it long term as I did, and the nurse described above.

I've also had my PCP become utterly shocked when i told her I was still on it 4 years later, but don't tell other doctors about it because they will see you as a drug addict even if you're not - like me. All I've ever done has been prescribed, anxiety medications (for 11 years) and Ritalin for ADD. I am a straight A grad student - but the second a doc or ER doc hears "Sub" all you'll get is some ibuprofen.

I know this is cliche, but hang in there. Also, I am not a fan of AA and NA b/c it doesn't help me, but helps others. There are other non-12 step programs that work better. IMHO

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14y ago

No most likely you won't. But if you take methadone for like a week then take the suboxone before the methadone completely out of your system then yes for sure it will make you want to die.

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10y ago

Yes you can.

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13y ago

yes i think you can personally.

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Q: Can you withdrawal off suboxone
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Can you take methadone for 4-5 days to help suboxone withdrawal or will this prolong suboxone withdrawal?

Do NOT take methadone to get off Suboxone. Taper off Suboxone over 10 days. Cut the pills in eighths if you have to. Taking methadone for 5 days will only give you 2 addictions

How is opiate withdrawal treated?

Two basic treatment approaches are used for managing opiate withdrawal. The first involves treating the symptoms of the withdrawal with appropriate medication

Will you feel percocet 10s the next day after taking one suboxone 8 the day before?

no the suboxone blocks the "high" feeling. if you are not going into withdrawal yet do not take suboxone as it will push you into full withdrawal and you will be sick. it should not be started until 12 hours into withdrawal.

Can i make amphetamine withdrawal easier?

Yes, take Suboxone.

Can you get sick if suboxone is out of your system for 24 hours and you take methadone?

No, you will not get sick. As long as the Suboxone is out of your system you will not feel any withdrawal symptoms.

Will you get withdrawal symptoms from taking suboxone one time?

If you're asking if you get withdrawal from the sub itself, you wont. soboxin (not sure of the correct spelling) relieves your withdrawal symptoms from narcotic drugs.

How soon can you switch from methadone to suboxone?

Yes, but ONLY after u have tapered to a 30mg methadone dose, THEN detox for 24 hours, and when u are in clear signs of withdrawal, then u can take a very low suboxone dose (1/2 a pill or so). if u do not do this, you will go through extreme withdrawal, which is 10 times worse than regular withdrawal. take my word for this, it is not something you want to mess around with

If someone on Suboxone maintenance slips can they be remedicated at a maintenance dose once their tox screen is negative?

Yes, but it is absolutely essential that you wait until you're seriously in withdrawal from the other opiate, before you go back on Suboxone (like, a good 18 to 24 hours, at least). If you go back on Suboxone before you're in withdrawal from the other opiate, you will have the worst, most horrible withdrawal symptoms you've ever felt.

How long should I wait to take a Suboxone after taking 7 days of Vicodins?

I guess it would be okay for you to take a vicodin after 48 hours of you not taking any suboxone. Suboxone has a long half life and that means it stays in your system for a long period of time. First of all, why would you want to only be on suboxone for a week? suboxone doesn't work in a week. And if it does work for you in a week then why would you want to touch a vicodin again??

What does taking suboxone after opiates do?

suboxone/subutex is the latest prescription drug that can be substituted in place of another narcotic.. sub stops the horrible withdrawal symptoms when going off a narcotic once you're addicted..unfortunately you are simply replacing one narcotic for another narcotic.. although word is getting off suboxone much easier than getting off methadone, so switching to suboxone to get off methadone and then getting off subutex certainly make the case of getting off other narcotics[percs,Oxycontin,morphine,etc] can't really say that getting off suboxone is any easier than getting off those other narcotics because subutex is just another synthetic narcotic..

does saboxine reallt help people to stay off opients?

Suboxone can definitely help people to stay off of opiates. It is particularly helpful in reducing the negative withdrawal symptoms associated with suddenly stopping opiate abuse.

Can Adderall dependence be treated with Suboxone?

Willpower would be about, if not more, effective than Suboxone for treating an Adderall dependence. Suboxone blocks opiate receptors in your brain. Adderall (mixed amphetamine salts) works by flooding your brain with Norepinephrine and Dopamine. I can't forget to mention that Adderall is an upper while Suboxone is a downer. They are just two completely different drugs and unless you plan on sleeping off your withdrawal, Suboxone won't do much to alleviate the symptoms.