

Best Answer

No, the milk comes in response to the change in hormone levels after the delivery of the baby. Milk is not usually secreted in pregnancy.

Don't worry if there does not seem to be a lot initially, for the first couple of days you secrete colostrum a very fatty pre-milk, high in calories and antibodies. The lighter almost blue milk comes after 2 or 3 days.

Good Luck (englishangel)

the first response is not at all true, some women start leaking as early as 20 weeks, most women will leak between 30 and 25 weeks, but some women do not leak until after the baby is born. ALL women are different because all bodies are different and all pregnancy's are different as well, my current pregnancy is totally different from my first, with my first i didn't leak until the day before i went into labor (i also had no weight gain until my 7th month and no morning sickness) and with this child i am already leaking at 32 weeks (gained all my weight within the 2nd trimester and have been sick since week 8 lol.) The reason I may be producing milk sooner (as well as the early weight gain) than last time is that my body is saying "been there done that" and is more prepared.

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