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Try to have it plea-bargained to a lesser offense

Not knowing where you live but just in general, I'd say you'd probably get court probation (unsupervised) or short term regular probation. Assault is not technically what it seems: it is legally an attempt at battery, or a precursor to battery. Thus, a completed "assault" is usually classifieed as an "assault and battery." If they threw all first offenders into custody even for 90 days they'd grind our legal system to a halt and overflow the jails! Not to mention probably make criminals out of all the would be "one and done-ers". The majority of people incarcerated in jails for more than two weeks are repeat and chronic offenders who find themselves in the system's revolving door. Throw in first and second offenders who may or may not have certain mitigating factors in their case, and you've thrown 45% of the country into jail.

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If you were already on probation and committed yet ANOTHER offense, you will probably be remanded to jail to serve the remainder of the original sentence - as well as being tried and possibly convicted and sentenced for the new offense.

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Q: Will you see jail time for 3rd degree assault with no criminal history?
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Will you see jail time for 3rd degree assault and battery in South Carolina with no criminal history?

Possible penalties for third-degree assault and battery in South Carolina include fines or up to 30 days in jail. The absence of a criminal history may be a mitigating factor in sentencing, but jail time is still a possibility depending on the circumstances of the case and the discretion of the judge. It is advisable to consult with a criminal defense attorney for guidance.

Will you see jail time for 2nd degree assault with no criminal history?

It is impossible to tell. Jail time IS called for for this offense but there is no information on the circumstances of your offense and no way of knowing how your judge may rule.

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Depending on your criminal history jail time from 3-12 months

Is first degree simple assault and battery punishable by jail in Florida?

A person can receive jail time for simple assault and battery in Florida. A person can receive a sentence of 6 months to a year in jail.

Can you get jail time for a simple assault charge in the 3rd degree and a harassment charge?

Yes. A person can receive a jail sentence for almost any criminal violation. Other factors can enter into the decision besides the crime that has ended in a conviction. The person's past criminal record (if any), their "attitude", and so forth.

How much jail time can you get for a M1 domestic violence?

Assault is one of the most common criminal charges. Assault is charged by degree, first through third, with First Degree Assault being the most serious. By far the most common of the three types of assault is Third Degree Assault. This is a misdemeanor offense, and because it is labeled an Extraordinary Risk Crime, carries a maximum sentence of two years in county jail. Added: As with any crime, there are no set punishments or sentences. The court must consider the applicable state law, the facts and circumstances, the defendant's prior history, and any other mitigating or aggravating factors to come to a fair and appropriate sentence.

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1 year in jail and/or $6250 fine.

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Hopefully, the perpetrator will go to jail. Assault on the elderly is inexcusable and so is assault on the disabled. Consequently, assult on the disabled elderly is worthy of jail time.

Will you go to jail for assaulting a coworker?

It depends on the type of assault; simple assault, which is a misdemeanor or aggravated assault, which is a felony; whether you have a prior criminal record, the state in which you reside & that state's penalties for the crime. So, yes you might go to jail for assaulting a coworker, but you might not, too.