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  • People are only human and make mistakes so if this is the first time your spouse has cheated on you and they are willing to go to marriage counseling to learn tools to deal with problems in the marriage then yes, there are marriages that survive an affair and end up being stronger for it.
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That's Biblically the only reason for divorce. Can you ever trust your partner again after that?

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Q: Will your marriage ever be the same after your spouse affair?
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Is a female having an affair with a married woman really an affair?

Most marriage vows include the phrase "forsaking all others", or something similar. Any relationship outside the marriage, whether same-sex or opposite-sex, is a violation of the committment made to the spouse. It is for the married woman.

Can you divorce if spouse is gay?

Yes. If you can prove he had an affair and had an affair with another man, then you have grounds for divorce just like if the man was cheating with another woman. Unless of course it's a "gay" marriage, then I think that would defeat the purpose don't you. The same above would also apply if the spouse is female and is cheating on the man with another woman.

How do you repair a marriage after an affair?

How? it will be very hard because the trust between man and his wife was broken. There are some couple that end up divorce because their life isn't the same anymore. And some will take very long time because the betrayed spouse will be afraid and wonder what if? could it? husband might do it again. It will be hard for the betrayed spouse to trust again especially if the guilty spouse was emotionally connected with his ex mistress. Repairing your marriage after the affair might happen but it will take you a long time.

How do you repair marriage after an affair?

How? it will be very hard because the trust between man and his wife was broken. There are some couple that end up divorce because their life isn't the same anymore. And some will take very long time because the betrayed spouse will be afraid and wonder what if? could it? husband might do it again. It will be hard for the betrayed spouse to trust again especially if the guilty spouse was emotionally connected with his ex mistress. Repairing your marriage after the affair might happen but it will take you a long time.

Can the same-sex spouse of a Canadian partner get their Canadian social security upon the death of that spouse?

There is only one kind of marriage in Canada and it is open to everyone. If an opposite-sex spouse can get the benefit, then a same-sex spouse can get it too.

Do you have the right to legally challenge the involuntary commitment of your same-sex spouse?

Yes, in states where same-sex marriage is legally recognized, a same-sex spouse has the same standing as any other spouse and may file suit to contest civil commitment.

Are you liable for the debts of your same-sex spouse?

If the state where you live legally recognizes your same-sex marriage, then YES, you can be sued in state court to recover money owed by your spouse. You cannot be sued in federal court, however, as federal law does not recognize a same-sex marriage.

Is it adultry if the affair is with someone of the same sex and your spouse approves?

Adultery is defined as having sexual relations outside of marriage. According to the Bible, if you even look at another person with lust then you have comitted adultry. Keep your mind pure and your body will follow.

How to respond to your spouses affair?

The only response to a spouse have an affair on you is one of hurt; deceitfulness and the breaking of that bond of trust you thought you both had as well as taking your self respect away. Too many women are romantics or fear striking out on their own so they stick with a boyfriend or spouse because of it. and men often do the same thing. You are in charge of your life and destiny so sit down with your spouse and spell it out loud and clear you are not putting up with their affair and either they go to marriage counseling with you; make an effort to repair your relationship and they have to earn your trust back again or you will file for divorce. This should get the cheaters attention.

How do you apply for sponsorship in a same-sex marriage between an American and a Canadian?

Either spouse may sponsor the other spouse for permanent resident status.

Can the non-Catholic spouse in a mixed marriage be buried next to their spouse in the Archdiocese of Denver?

Generally, non-Catholics may be buried in a Catholic cemetery if their spouse is Catholic and they will be buried in the same cemetery.

What is the right of a man living with his partner knowing that she is having an affair?

Common-law marriage is much the same as a marriage so you should see a lawyer and if you feel you have had enough of your mate having an affair file with the lawyer to have her removed from the residence.