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The Atlantic Ocean is named after atlantas as in atlantis the sunken city!!!!!!!!!

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Q: Witch ocean is named for a sunken city the Atlantic or pacific?
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What are the names of all the oceans in the world?

atlantic, artic, Indian ocean are the three major oceans in the world.Additional answerPacific? That's the biggest one.There are 5: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic. The last one was named in 2000.

Name four great oceans?

There are a total of five oceans that are on the Earth's surface. The four great oceans are Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, and Arctic.

Which canal is named after the country it cuts through and connects the Atlantic ocean with the Pacific ocean?

Panama canal

Why is the Atlantic ocean call the ring of fire?

It is not. The Pacific Ocean rim is the Ring of Fire named for the "RING" of volcanoes there.

What did Ferdinand discover?

Ferdinand Magellan discovered the passage between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans at the tip of South America, now called the Straits of MagellanHe also discovered and named the Pacific Ocean

Name the 4 great oceans?

Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic. The fifth ocean, Antarctic aka Southern Ocean was named in 2000.

Why aren't there any lobster in the pacific ocean?

A cyclone is a large storm. A Hurricane is a Cyclone in Atlantic. Cyclones exist in both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The reason they are called Hurricanes in the Atlantic Oceans is because Hurricane is named after the Central American God of Wind. Typhoon is the name used in the Pacific Ocean. It is the same as a hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean, just called a different name due solely to where it originated.

What are all the oceans named?

At first, one will think of only four oceans; the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic. However, recall the phrase "the seven seas". As in the song Sweet Dreams: "I travel the world and the seven seas." There are actually seven oceans, which are; the North Pacific Ocean, the South Pacific Ocean, the North Atlantic Ocean, the South Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and the Antarctic Ocean.

What named the Pacific Ocean?

Ferdinand Magellan named the Pacific Ocean

Who named the pacific ocean the south sea?

The pacific ocean is NOT named "the south sea".

Why did the people that named the oceans name them the name that they did?

* well i know why Ferdinand Magellan named the pacific the pacific: he named it the pacific because pacific means peaceful and when he saw it it was very low tide and peaceful .

Do the names of the 5 oceans relate to the countries in which they border?

NOT EXACTLY YOu would be right and wrong because: INDIAN OCEAN borders INDIA, therefore called by the country. ATLANTIC OCEAN does not border a country named "ATLANTIC" (Same for PACIFIC OCEAN, no country called PACIFIC) (Same for ARCTIC OCEAN, no country called ARCTIC) (Same for SOUTHERN OCEAN, no country called SOUTHERN) THE OCEANS ARE NAMED FOR THEIR REGIONS OR "PERSONALITY" PACIFIC, because it is Peaceful Southern, because it is in the south of the world ARCTIC, because the northern region of the world is called the ARCTIC ATLANTIC, (unknown reason) the Ancients called it the Atlantic after a GOD Atlantis of the seas... INDIAN, because, well, its next to INDIA;)