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Q: Word metaphors for house
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What are the examples of metaphors?

your house is a rainbow

What are some popular metaphors?

she's a brick house

Is bank of justice is bankrupt a simile or metaphors?

Metaphor. Metaphors are straight comparisons, whereas Similes use a comparing word. Did that make sense?

What are some examples of metaphors using the word wind?

as strong as the wind

Run like a deer is an example of?

It is a simile because it uses the word "like." Metaphors do not use this word.

What are the similes and metaphors used in spinell's milkweed?

She said that it came gushing out of a house like burning horsewater.

Is the tigers fur is as orange as a orange a simile?

Similes contain the comparison word "like" or "as", metaphors do not.

Write a sentence using the word intellectual?

She is known for her intellectual prowess in solving complex problems.

What does metaphor mean in language arts?

A metaphor is a way to compare things using the word "is". Simile's are not metaphors because similie's say something is LIKE another thing while metaphors are saying something IS something when it is not.

What the French word for house?

The French word for house is "maison."

What is the Maori word for house?

The Maori word for house is "whare."

What are all the metaphors for the book The Great Gilly Hopki?

Some metaphors for "The Great Gilly Hopkins" include Gilly's toughness as a shield for her vulnerability, Maime Trotter's house as a sanctuary and place of healing, and Gilly's time with the Trotters as a bridge to a new family dynamic.