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She said that it came gushing out of a house like burning horsewater.

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Q: What are the similes and metaphors used in spinell's milkweed?
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What are Metaphors Similes and Onomatopoeia are examples of?

Metaphors, similes, and onomatopoeia are examples of figurative language used to create vivid imagery and engage the reader's senses in writing. They help convey emotions, ideas, and actions in a more descriptive and imaginative way.

How can the word Figurative be used in a sentence?

Figurative means not literal. Figurative language refers to things like metaphors and similes.

What are some good metaphors or similes that can be used to describe a garden?

Green, Fresh, Delicate, Growth, Fragrant, Colorful, Joyous, Lively, Plentiful

What is the poetry device used in poem palanquin bearers?

metaphors used in poem

Why are metaphores used?

Metaphors are used to show how dramatic a situation is. (I'm so hungry that I can hoarse!) This metaphor shows that this person is really hungry but he is not actually planning on eating a horse..

What are the figures of speech used in casabianca poem?

The Casabianca poem uses personification, similes, and metaphors as figures of speech. Personification is seen in lines like "the boy stood on the burning deck" where the deck is given human-like qualities. Similes are used in lines like "like a furnace roar'd" to compare the sound to a furnace. Metaphors are present in lines such as "the flame that lit" to describe the fire.

Similes metaphors and personifications are all what kind of elements?

They are all figurative language elements used to make comparisons or give deeper meaning to a concept. Similes use "like" or "as" to compare things, metaphors directly equate one thing to another, and personifications give human qualities to non-human entities.

What are the stylistic devices used in things fall apart?

Metaphors, similes, foreshadowing, hyperbole, imagery, sensory detail are used in Things Fall Apart. Most of the proverbs are forms of metaphor.

What are some similes and metaphors in Swiss Family Robinson?

In Swiss Family Robinson, similes and metaphors are used to help create vivid imagery and enhance the storytelling. For example, the comparison of the treehouse to a fortress is a metaphor that highlights the family's resourcefulness and adaptability. Additionally, phrases like "as fierce as a lion" or "smooth as silk" are similes that bring color and depth to the characters and their surroundings.