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manage: to oversee, handle a situation

mandarin: a small type of orange with skin that's easy to remove

mandate: an official command or rule

maneuver: a complicated movement made wiht skill and care

mangle: to damage or injure badly

mango: a tropical fruit with thin skin, sweet,yellow flesh and a large seed

mangy: looking dirty, uncared for

mania: a very strong desire for or interest in something, especially by many people at the same time

manhole: a hole in the road covered with a lid, workers go down to examine pipes, wires, etc.

mantle: the shelf above a fireplace

mantra: a slogan or motto

manufacture: to use machines to create goods or materials

mannequin: a model of the human body used for showing clothes in a store

mannerism; a way of speaking or moving that is typical of a particular person

mankind: all humans considered as one group

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manuscript, manifest, manicure, manipulate, manner, manage, manufacture, emancipate, etc.

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Q: Words with prefix man
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What are words that start with the prefix man?


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